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深海發現暗氧 產氧無須光合作用

深海發現暗氧 產氧無須光合作用 Dark Oxygen Found in Ocean Depths without Light
Dark Oxygen Found in Ocean Depths without Light
#環境·保育 #時事 #永續發展 SDGs
12/10 解析英語
作者 Analytical Editors
閱讀時間 5分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀


深海發現暗氧 產氧無須光合作用 Dark Oxygen Found in Ocean Depths without Light

目錄 / More to Learn / 中文翻譯(& 答案)
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  Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery in the depths of the Pacific Ocean: oxygen production without the involvement of living organisms. Four kilometers below the surface where sunlight cannot reach, researchers have found metallic lumps generating what they term “dark oxygen.” This form of oxygen is produced through a process independent of photosynthesis. Unlike the traditional photosynthesis process, where organisms use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to create energy and oxygen, the newly discovered phenomenon operates in complete darkness.

  The accidental finding occurred during a study of metal-rich lumps in an abyssal plain between Hawaii and Mexico. These lumps, known as “batteries in a rock,” are crucial for technologies like smartphones and wind turbines. Recognizing their commercial value, mining companies have expressed interest in harvesting the lumps. In response, a team of researchers set out to assess the potential environmental impact of deep-sea mining.

  Using a device to isolate a section of the seafloor, the researchers aimed to measure oxygen levels in the enclosed water. Normally, oxygen rates would decrease as marine organisms consume it, but the result was contrary to expectations. The unexpected outcome prompted the team to further investigate the phenomenon. Researchers found the lumps emitted an electric charge similar to that of *a AA battery. This charge is believed to trigger a process that splits seawater into hydrogen and oxygen, accounting for the increase.

  Traditional perspectives propose that oxygen production began around three billion years ago through photosynthesis by ancient microorganisms known as cyanobacteria. This process gradually led to the development of complex life forms. However, this discovery reveals that oxygen can form through non-biological processes, opening the possibility of life originating in environments like the deep ocean.

*   AA battery 讀作 double A battery,因此不定冠詞要用 a,而非 an。

1.   According to the passage, which of the following is true about the metallic lumps?

(A) They have been collected for cosmetic production.

(B) They are capable of emitting light on their own.

(C) They pose a threat to the marine ecosystem.

(D) They give off certain electric charges.

2.   What does the phrase “unexpected outcome” in the third paragraph refer to?

(A) Elevated oxygen rates.

(B) Reduced oxygen levels.

(C) Consistent oxygen rates.

(D) Unmeasurable oxygen levels.

3.   Which of the following is NOT mentioned about traditional views on the production of oxygen on Earth?

(A) It was a biological process.

(B) It promoted the evolution of complex life.

(C) Sunlight was necessary for the production.

(D) The deep ocean was where oxygen was produced.

Words in Use

groundbreaking [ˋgraʊnd͵brekɪŋ]

a. 開創性的

generate [ˋdʒɛnə͵ret]

vt. 產生(光、電、熱);造成,引起

accidental [͵æksəˋdɛnt!]

a. 意外的;突發的

harvest [ˋhɑrvɪst]

vt. & n. 收穫

assess [əˋsɛs]

vt. 評估;對……估價

isolate [ˋaɪs!͵et]

.vt. 使隔離,使孤立

enclosed [ɪnˋklozd]

a. 封閉的

marine [məˋrin]

n. (美國)海軍陸戰隊士兵
adj. 海洋的

prompt [prɑmpt]

.vt. 促使
a. 立刻的
n. (演員)提詞
Extra Words

organism [ˋɔrgən͵ɪzəm]

n. 有機體

metallic [məˋtælɪk]
a. 金屬的

lump [lʌmp]

n. 團,塊;隆起,腫塊
vt. 歸併在一起
vi. 結塊

abyssal [əˋbɪs!]
a. 海洋深處的

turbine [ˋtɝbɪn]
n. 渦輪機

perspective [pɚˋspɛktɪv]

n. 觀點
a. 透視的

cyanobacteria [ˌsīənōbakˈtirēə]
n. 藍綠菌

an abyssal plain 深海平原
Practical Phrases

be independent of... 脫離……而獨 / 自立
Because he wanted to be independent of his parents, Danny moved out and lived on his own.

In response 作為應對,⋯⋯
The project fell behind schedule. In response, the team worked overtime to meet the deadline.

account for 說明;對...負有責任;佔..(一定數量或比例)
India and China account for about half of global consumer demand for gold.

More to Learn

microorganism n. 微生物,微小有機體(= microbe)

•   The water sample was found to contain harmful microorganisms.


字首 micro- 表「微,小」之意,以下介紹相關字:

a.   microscope   n. 顯微鏡

•   The cells appeared much larger when viewed through the microscope.


b.   microwave   n. 微波;微波爐

•   My mother used the microwave to quickly reheat her leftovers.


c.   microeconomics n. 個體經濟學

•   Microeconomics examines the behavior of consumers and firms and how they interact in markets.


d.   microbead n. 柔珠,微粒

    microplastic n. & a. 塑膠微粒(的)

    * 以上二字均常用複數。

•   The ban on microbeads was a big step towards reducing microplastic pollution.


中文翻譯(& 答案)

  科學家在太平洋深處取得了開創性的發現:不需要生物體參與即可產生氧氣。研究人員在陽光無法到達的海下四公里處發現了金屬塊,產生了他們所謂的「暗氧」。這種形式的氧氣是透過一種不依賴光合作用的過程所產生的。與傳統的光合作用過程不同 ── 在光合作用中,生物體利用陽光、二氧化碳和水來產生能量和氧氣 ── 這個新發現的現象是在完全黑暗的情況下進行的。


  研究人員使用一種裝置將海床的一部分隔離開來,他們的目的是要測量這片封起來的水域中的氧氣含量。一般而言,氧氣含量會隨著海洋生物的消耗而降低,但結果卻與預期相反。這意想不到的結果促使該團隊進一步調查這一現象。研究人員發現這些塊狀物發出的電荷與 AA 電池的很類似。據信,這種電荷會觸發將海水分解成氫和氧的過程,這解釋了氧氣量增加的原因。


1.   根據本文,下列關於金屬塊的敘述哪一項是正確的?

(A) 它們被收集用來生產化妝品。

(B) 它們能夠自行發光。

(C) 它們對海洋生態系構成威脅。

(D) 它們釋放出某種電荷。

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