肚子餓了嗎?先去讀書吧! Why You Should Always Learn on an Empty Stomach
Why You Should Always Learn on an Empty Stomach
6/20 解析英語
作者 Leila Pereira
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https://www.ivy.com.tw/newsLetter/an...031014501567268MP3:肚子餓了嗎?先去讀書吧! Why You Should Always Learn on an Empty Stomach
Hunger is a sensation that every human being on the planet has experienced at least once in their lifetime. The signals of hunger—the sharp hunger pangs and grumbling stomach noises—often grow in __1__ until the thought of food overwhelms every other thought in our mind. So, it's a bit surprising that researchers at Yale Medical School recently found that hunger can actually __2__.
The research team had been studying the hormone ghrelin and the path it takes through the body. Ghrelin is produced by the stomach and is supposed to stimulate a part of our brain called the hypothalamus. This part registers hunger and compels the body to __3__ food. What the scientists discovered is that ghrelin is also found in the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain that handles learning and memory.
To test the effect of ghrelin on intelligence, the scientists designed some mazes and tests for their mice. They compared a group of mice injected with the hormone to a control group of mice that __4__. The mice given ghrelin outperformed the control group in every task and test.
Although it may seem counterintuitive, it makes sense if you look at it __5__ an evolutionary perspective. Our ancestors were hunters, gatherers, and foragers. When they got hungry, they had to chase down and search for their own meals. The task required extreme focus. So, the next time you’re studying for a final exam, being a little hungry may help you concentrate.
1. (A) demand (B) contrast (C) frequency (D) property
2. (A) keep us alive (B) make us smarter (C) lift our spirits (D) leave you healthier
3. (A) acquire (B) ensure (C) regulate (D) dominate
4. (A) didn’t inject (B) aren’t to be injected (C) wouldn’t be injecting (D) hadn’t been injected
5. (A) upon (B) at (C) from (D) by
答案:1.C 2.B. 3.A 4.D 5.C
目錄 / Tips & Analysis / More to Learn / 中文翻譯
Tips & Analysis
The signals of hunger—the sharp hunger pangs and grumbling stomach noises—often grow in frequency until the thought of food overwhelms every other thought in our mind.
a. (A) demand [ dɪˋmænd ] n. 需求;要求
in demand 被需要
• Facial masks are in high demand during the severe pandemic.
(B) contrast [ ˋkɑn͵træst ] n. 對比
in / by contrast 相比之下
• Life in big cities is busy. In contrast, living in the country is quite relaxing.
城市的生活很繁忙。相較之下,住在鄉村裡則是十 分悠閒。
(C) frequency [ ˋfrikwənsɪ ] n. (事件發生的)頻率/頻繁
• The increasing frequency of typhoons is causing great damage to crops.
(D) property [ ˋprɑpɚtɪ ] n. 財產(不可數)
• Hotels are not responsible for any damage to personal property.
b. 空格後的 until 表某件事會持續到某個時間點為 止,根據語意,飢餓的信號通常會變得愈來愈「頻 繁」,直到對食物的掛念壓倒了我們腦中其他的思 想,故 (C) 項應為正選。
2. So, it’s a bit surprising that researchers at Yale Medical School recently found that hunger can actually make us smarter.
a. (A) 讓我們活下去
alive [ əˋlaɪv ] a. 活著的
• The firefighter went to rescue a little boy in the fire; fortunately, both of them came out alive.
那名消防員進去火場搶救一名小男孩;幸好他們都 活著出來。
(B) 讓我們更聰明
smart [ smɑrt ] a. 聰明的
• Sheepdogs are said to be smarter than other dogs.
(C) 提振我們的心情
lift one’s spirits
提振(某人的)心情(spirits 恆用複數形)
• The lyrics of the song always lift my spirits when I’m down.
(D) 讓你更健康
healthy [ ˋhɛlθɪ ] a. 健康的
• The doctor suggested that Kyle should eat light and healthy meals.
b. 空格前一句提到飢餓會占據大腦,空格後兩段提及 飢餓素(ghrelin)在掌握學習與記憶的海馬迴中被 找到,並發現注射飢餓素的老鼠表現優於未被注射 的控制組,故選 (B),表有點意外的是,耶魯醫學 院的研究員發現飢餓其實可以「讓我們更聰明」。
3.This part registers hunger and compels the body to acquire food.
a. (A) acquire [ əˋkwaɪr ] vt. 取得,獲得
• Julia invited her friends to view some works of art she just acquired.
(B) ensure [ ɪnˋʃʊr ] vt. 確保
• The famous actress hired bodyguards to ensure her personal safety.
(C) regulate [ ˋrɛgjə ] vt. 控制,管理
• This device can regulate the temperature in the greenhouse.
(D) dominate [ ˋdɑmə͵net ] vt. 支配,主宰
• Harold dominates the basketball game every time he participates.
b. 空格前一句提到飢餓素會刺激腦中的下視丘,可知 下視丘這個區塊會意識到飢餓並促使身體去「取得」食物,故 (A) 項應為正選。
4.They compared a group of mice injected with the hormone to a control group of mice that hadn’t been injected.
a. 本題測試過去完成式的用法: 在過去不同時間發生的兩個動作,「先發生的動 作」用過去完成式,而「後發生的動作」則用過去 簡單式表示。
b. 本句描述的是過去發生的事,科學家們比較有注射 飢餓素與「無注射」的老鼠,注射的動作早於做比 較,可知空格應用過去
c. inject A with B 為 A 注射 B
inject [ ɪnˋdʒɛkt ] vt. 注射
• James has diabetes, so he injects himself with insulin every day.
*insulin [ ˋɪnsəlɪn ] n. 胰島素
5. Although it may seem counterintuitive, it makes sense if you look at it from an evolutionary perspective.
a. 本題測試 “from a(n)... perspective” 的固定用 法,置入後表雖然這看似違反直覺,但如果「從」 演化「的觀點」來看就說得通,故選 (C)。
b. perspective [ pɚˋspɛktɪv ] n. 觀點
• The company hired an expert to analyze its problems from a legal perspective.
More to Learn
hungry [ ˋhʌŋgrɪ ] a. 飢餓的
• Doug loses his temper easily when he is hungry.
以下介紹 hungry 的常見搭配詞:
a. go hungry 吃不飽,挨餓
• Milly is a picky eater who would rather go hungry than eat anything she doesn’t like. 米莉很挑食,她寧願餓肚子也不吃任何她不喜歡的 東西。
b. as hungry as a bear 飢腸轆轆
• Jeremy was as hungry as a bear in the afternoon since he only drank a bottle of milk for lunch. 傑洛米下午覺得飢腸轆轆,因為他中午只喝了一瓶 牛奶。
c. the hungry 挨餓的人,飢民
*the 加形容詞泛指同一特定類型的群體,因此 the hungry 即等於 hungry people。
• The organization aims to help the hungry in that region where a war just happened.
d. hungry 也可以表「渴望的」。
be hungry for sth / to V 渴望(做)⋯⋯
= be eager for sth / to V
• Since the pandemic has lasted for more than two years, people are hungry for normal life.
因為疫情已經持續兩年多了,所以人們很渴望正常 的生活。
e. 字尾 -hungry 表「渴望/渴求⋯⋯的」,可與名詞 搭配使用,形成複合形容詞。
• Power-hungry people may acquire power by any means.
飢餓是地球上每個人一生至少會經歷一次的感受。飢餓的信號 ── 強烈的飢餓感和肚子咕嚕叫的聲音 ── 通常會變得愈來愈頻繁,直到對食物的掛念壓倒了我們腦中其他的思想。所以有點意外的是,耶魯醫學院的研究員最近發現飢餓其實可以讓我們更聰明。
Words in Use
compare [kəmˋpɛr]
vi. (可與……)匹敵
vt. 把……比作
vt. & vi. 比較
sensation [sɛnˋseʃən]
n. 感覺, 知覺;轟動(的事情)
compel [kəmˋpɛl]
vt. 迫使
overwhelm [͵ovɚˋhwɛlm]
vt. 戰勝;(因強烈的情感)使不知所措;淹沒
revolutionary [͵rɛvəˋluʃən͵ɛrɪ]
a. 革命性的;創新的
n. 革命家
intelligence [ɪnˋtɛlədʒəns]
n. 聰明才智;情報
concentrate [ˋkɑnsɛn͵tret]
n. 濃縮物
.vt. & vi. 集中
register [ˋrɛdʒɪstɚ]
.vt. & vi. 登記,註冊;流露
n. 登記(本),註冊(本)
ancestor [ˋænsɛstɚ]
n. 祖先,祖宗;血統
stimulate [ˋstɪmjə͵let]
vt. 刺激 ; 促進 ; 激勵
hormone [ˋhɔrmon]
n. 荷爾蒙
grumble [ˋgrʌmb!]
a. . 抱怨(常用複數)
ghrelin [ˈɡrɛlɪn]
n. 飢餓素
hippocampus [͵hɪpəˋkæmpəs]
n. 海馬迴
maze [mez]
n. 迷宮
outperform [͵aʊtpɚˋfɔrm]
vt. 勝過,超過
a. 違反直覺的
forager [ˋfɔrɪdʒɚ]
n. 覓食者