仙人掌可以阻挡电脑辐射吗? Can Cacti Block Harmful Radiation?
Can Cacti Block Harmful Radiation?
#阅读测验 #108新课纲 #素养
5/6 解析英语
作者 Mark Darvill
阅读时间 7分钟
听讲解 听朗读
https://www.ivy.com.tw/newsLetter/an...012614025216834MP3:仙人掌可以阻挡电脑辐射吗? Can Cacti Block Harmful Radiation?
目录 / Words for Reference / Phrases for Reference / Practical Phrases / Words in Use / More to Learn / Grammar Tips / 中文翻译&答案
Can Cacti Block Harmful Radiation?
Cacti have long been popular plants to keep in living spaces around the world. The fact that cacti are both pleasing to the eye and easy to take care of makes them ideal plants to brighten up homes. Furthermore, cacti offer a number of health-related benefits to humans, such as increasing the amount of oxygen in your home. However, there is a more specific reason why cacti ownership has become more popular in recent years. Specifically, thanks to a lot of questionable information being spread online, many people now believe that keeping cacti on your desk benefits your health because cacti absorb harmful radiation emitted by your computer. Regarding this claim, fact-checking is required.
(误刊通知: 纸本解析杂志五月号 5 月 6日文章第20页,第一段后半部 many people now believe that keeping cacti on your desk benefit your health...中的benefit需加"s",正确为"benefits",造成您学习上的困扰,深感抱歉。)
First, some websites state that radiation from computers is responsible for a range of health problems, including insomnia and headaches. On this note, it is important to keep in mind that there are multiple types of radiation. While some are indeed harmful, the amount of radiation emitted by computers is not enough to damage human health.
Next, regarding the question of whether cacti can actually absorb radiation from a computer, the simple answer is no, they can’t. This is because radiation from a computer would be emitted in all directions. Therefore, a cactus positioned on one side of your computer will do nothing to stop radiation from traveling straight towards you from the front of the machine.
In summary, cacti cannot prevent you from absorbing radiation from your computer. However, such radiation will actually do you no harm. Having said that, keeping cacti in your home provides a number of real advantages that can help you live a happier and healthier life.
1. What does the word “questionable” in the first paragraph most likely mean?
(A) Reliable.
(B) Doubtful.
(C) Hard-to-answer.
(D) Easy-to-understand.
2. How are cacti helpful for human health?
(A) They help people fall asleep.
(B) They are good for your eyes.
(C) They absorb radiation.
(D) They raise oxygen levels.
3. How does the author feel about the claim that cacti can block harmful radiation?
(A) It needs further investigation.
(B) It is true and in urgent need of attention.
(C) It is inaccurate and the facts should be clarified.
(D) It should be valid because it has been published online.
4. If a plant could absorb radiation from computers, where should one place it to effectively lower one’s exposure to radiation?
答案: 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B
Words for Reference
◆ cacti [ˋkæktaɪ ] n. 仙人掌(复数)
cactus [ˋkæktəs ] n. 仙人掌(单数)
◆ emit [ɪˋmɪt ] vt. 发出,散发
◆ fact-checking [ˋfækt͵tʃɛkɪŋ ] n. 事实查核(不可数)
◆ insomnia [ ɪnˋsɑmnɪə ] n. 失眠
◆ valid [ ˋvælɪd ] a. 有根据的
Phrases for Reference
◆ on this note 说到这里
◆ having said that 尽管如此
Practical Phrases
1. be pleasing to the eye 令人赏心悦目
• The various colors of flowers in this garden are pleasing to the eye.
2. brighten up...
• The white curtains brightened up our living room.
3. be responsible for... 是……的原因;为……负责
• Sugary drinks are responsible for many cases of diabetes.
4. keep in mind + that 子句 牢记∕记住……
• Keep in mind that without hard work, you will get nowhere.
5. In summary, S + V 总结来说∕总而言之,……
• We went to Mayday’s concert last week. In summary, it was an auditory and visual feast.
6. do sb/sth no harm 对某人∕某事无害
• Tom was thrown from the boat when it struck a large wave. Fortunately, he was wearing a life jacket and it did him no harm.
Words in Use
1. harmful [ˋhɑrmfəl ] a. 有害的
• Experts suggest that all raw food be cooked at a high temperature to kill harmful bacteria.
2. radiation [͵redɪˋeʃən ] n. 辐射
• The radiation leak from that factory polluted the surrounding environment.
3. oxygen [ˋɑksədʒən ] n. 氧气
• Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
4. specific [ spɪˋsɪfɪk ] a. 明确的
specifically [ spɪˋsɪfɪk!ɪ ] adv. 具体地,明确地
• Vick couldn’t decide on any specific goal for his life after graduating from college.
• One needs many skills to do this job. Specifically, language ability is a must.
5. ownership [ˋonɚ͵ʃɪp ] n. 所有权
• In the US, gun ownership is considered a basic right that even appears in the Constitution.
6. questionable [ˋkwɛstʃənəb! ] a. 值得怀疑的,有疑问的
• It is highly questionable whether Larry will pass the test.
7. absorb [ əbˋsɔrb ] vt. 吸收
• We put some towels on the floor to absorb the water leaking through the wall.
8. regarding [ rɪˋgɑrdɪŋ ] prep. 关于
• The police refused to disclose information regarding this crime.
9. multiple [ˋmʌltəp! ] a. 多种的
• The new machine comes with multiple functions.
10. position [ pəˋzɪʃən ] vt. 放置
• Mom positioned chairs around the dining table before our guests arrived.
11. straight [ stret ] adv. 直接地;笔直地
• As soon as we arrived in Japan, we went straight to the hotel.
12. clarify [ˋklærə͵faɪ ] vt. 澄清,讲清楚
• The politician was asked to clarify his position on the issue.
13. exposure [ ɪkˋspoʒɚ ] n. 接触,暴露
• Constant exposure to English speakers is the most effective way to improve English.
More to Learn
benefit [ˋbɛnəfɪt ] n. 好处,益处 & vt. 有益于,有利于
• Offering jobs to the unemployed may help them, but vocational training can provide long-lasting benefits.
• The health insurance policy benefits elderly citizens.
介绍 benefit 的其他用法及衍生字:
a. benefit 作名词时亦可表「利益」。
be to the benefit of sb 对某人有益
• The school’s new regulation will be to the benefit of the students.
b. benefit 亦可作不及物动词,表「受益,得益」,常与介词 from 并用。
benefit from... 从……受益∕获益,受益于……
• Many patients have benefited from this new drug.
c. beneficial [ ͵bɛnəˋfɪʃəl ] a. 有利的,有益的
be beneficial to... 有益于……
• Eating red meat in moderation can be beneficial to your health.
d. beneficiary [ ͵bɛnəˋfɪʃərɪ ] n. 受益人
• Melvin is the only beneficiary of his father’s will.
Grammar Tips
Furthermore, cacti offer a number of health-related benefits to humans, such as increasing the amount of oxygen in your home.
比较 number 及 amount 的用法
number 和 amount 都是用来表达东西的「数量」,但前者是指「可数名词」的数量,而后者则是指「不可数名词」的数量,重要用法如下:
※ a number of + 复数名词 若干∕一些……
an amount of + 不可数名词 若干∕一些……
a number of 及 an amount of 为形容词,其后分别接复数名词和不可数名词,故置于句首作主词时,其后动词要随 of 后的名词作变化。
• A number of cars were driving on the hill during the speed game.
• An amount of pepper was added to the soup to enhance the flavor.
※ 在 a number of 及 an amount of 的用法中,number 及 amount 前加入 small、large、great 等形容词,表「少量∕少数的……」或「大量∕多数的……」。
• Kayla is beautiful and smart; no wonder she has a large number of friends.
• Only a small amount of paper we consume is recycled.
※ the number of + 复数名词 ……的数目
the amount of + 不可数名词 ……的数量
the number of... 和 the amount of... 作主词时,后面的动词用第三人称单数。
• The number of students registering for this course has reached 30.
• The amount of food and water that the refugees received was far from enough.
※ 一般而言,amount 用来修饰不可数名词,但现今已演变成能接可数名词及不可数名词的模糊地带:亦即可数名词「由于数量过于庞大以至于不可数」的状况下,整体可视为不可数名词,用 amount 来表示。
• The storm blew off a large amount of leaves from the trees.
_____ jobs are going to be replaced by machines.
(A) The amount of (B) The number of (C) An amount of (D) A number of
1. 第一段的 “questionable” 最有可能是什么意思?
(A) 可靠的。 (B) 怀疑的。(C) 难回答的。 (D) 容易理解的。
2. 仙人掌如何对人类的健康有帮助?
(A) 它们帮助人们睡着。(B) 它们对眼睛好。(C) 它们吸收辐射。(D) 它们提升氧气量。
3. 作者对于仙人掌能阻挡有害辐射的主张有何看法?
(A) 它需要更进一步的调查。(B) 它是正确的而且急需关注。(C) 它不正确且需要澄清事实。(D) 它应该是有根据的,因为它被发布在网路上。
4. 如果有一种植物能吸收来自电脑的辐射,应该把它放在哪里才能有效降低辐射的接触呢?
题解: 根据本文第三段,电脑的辐射是朝四面八方散出,而使用电脑时通常是坐在萤幕正前方,所以若要有效降低辐射的接触,应将植物放在自己与电脑萤幕正中间,故选 (B)。
答案: 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B