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ZombiePlague3.58 (傳染版)

          ********** [Zombie Plague Mod 3.5] ************
    (c) Copyright 2008 by MeRcyLeZZ
    -*- Licensing Info -*-
    This file is provided "as-is" and comes with no warranties of any kind.
    You are free to use, redistribute and/or modify this plugin to your
    liking with the following restrictions:
    * You cannot alter/remove/replace the register_plugin() call
    * You cannot alter/remove/replace any credits info
    * You cannot alter/remove/replace this license

    -*- Description -*-
    Zombie Plague is a Counter-Strike plugin developed under AMX Mod X, in
    where humans and zombies are confronted. It is based on the original
    infection mod, but it takes the concept to a new level by introducing:
    * New Gameplay Modes: Nemesis, Survivor, Multiple Infection, Swarm Mode
    * Zombie Classes: a total of six, each with his own strengths
    * Ammo Packs: awarded to skilled players, can be used to purchase goods
    * Custom Grenades: Fire, Frost, Flare, and Infection Bomb
    * Deathmatch Mode: players may respawn as zombies, humans, or randomly
    * Admin commands: can be performed through an easy ingame menu
    * Special GFX Effects: from the HL Engine
    * Customizable Models and Sounds
    It also brings many customization through CVARS:
    * Change nightvision/flashlight colors and size
    * Adjust in-game lightning (thunderclaps available on pitch black mode)
    * Set zombies/humans health, speed, gravity, ammo pack rewards, and more
    * Enable unlimited ammo or knockback for weapons
    * Enable random spawning (CSDM-spawns friendly)
    * Separately enable and customize the new gameplay modes to your liking
    -*- History -*-
    As only few people may know, I started this project back on December
    2007, when the free infection mods around were quite buggy. When I first
    decided to remake one of those, I came across many problems and realized
    I had little to no experience at AMXX scripting, and therefore, agreed
    that the best way to get it done would be starting from scratch.
    Not after spending over a week looking at many plugins (mainly Zombie
    Swarm) and scarce tutorials, I managed to have all the basic stuff
    working quite well (even though the code itself was really messy). The
    following months were spent polishing things up and trying to fulfill new
    original ideas.
    In the meantime I had the chance to try the plugin out on a 32 man server.
    This meant a huge progress on development, we ran into lots of testing
    and fixing server crashes, but finally this turned out to be more than
    the simple infection mod I had originally planned it to be.
    The reason this project was kept private for such a long time was not
    only for its uniqueness, but because I felt like it wasn't ready to take
    the next step yet. However, the plugin has come a long way now. I've
    spent the last days improving and commenting the source code, adding as
    many customization as I could, and I'm glad to say I'm finally making it
    freely available.
    The only thing I ask for return is to keep my name in the plugin.
    -*- Media -*-
* Gameplay Video 1:


* Gameplay Video 2:

    -*- Requirements -*-
    * Mods: Counter-Strike 1.6 or Condition-Zero
    * AMXX: version 1.8.0 (build 3660) or higher
    * Modules: FakeMeta, HamSandwich
    -*- Installation -*-
    Just extract all the contents from the .zip file to your server's mod
    directory ("cstrike" or "czero"). Make sure to keep folder structure.
    -*- CVARS and Customization -*-
    For a complete and in-depth cvar list, look at the zombieplague.cfg file
    located in the amxmodx\configs directory.
    Additionally, you can change player models, sounds, weather effects,
    and some other stuff by looking at the beginning of the .sma for the
    "Plugin Customization" section. Once you're done making your changes,
    remember to recompile!
    -*- Admin Commands -*-
    The following console commands are available:
    * zp_zombie <name> - Turn someone into a Zombie
    * zp_human <name> - Turn someone back to Human
    * zp_nemesis <name> - Turn someone into a Nemesis (*)
    * zp_survivor <name> - Turn someone into a Survivor (*)
    * zp_respawn <name> - Respawn someone
    * zp_swarm - Start Swarm Mode (*)
    * zp_multi - Start Multi Infection (*)
    (*) - These commands can only be used at round start, that is, when
    the T-Virus notice is shown on screen.
    -*- InGame Menu -*-
    Players can access the mod menu by typing "menu" in the chat, or by
    pressing the "M" (chooseteam) key. The menu allows players to choose
    their zombie class, buy extra items, get unstuck, or see the ingame
    help. Admins will find an additional option to easily perform any
    of the console commands.
    -*- Infection Mode -*-
    On every round players start out as humans, equip themselves with a few
    weapons and grenades, and head to the closest cover they find, knowing
    that one of them is infected with the T-Virus, and will suddenly turn
    into a vicious brain eating creature.
    Only little time after, the battle for survival begins. The first zombie
    has to infect as many humans as possible to cluster a numerous zombie
    horde and take over the world.
    Maps are set in the dark by default. Humans must use flashlights to
    light their way and spot any enemies. Zombies, on the other hand, have
    night vision but can only attack melee.
    -*- New Gameplay Modes -*-
    * Nemesis:
      The first zombie may turn into a Nemesis, a powerful fast-moving
      beast. His goal is to kill every human while sustaining the gunfire.
    * Survivor:
      Everyone became a zombie except him. The survivor gets a machinegun
      with unlimited ammo and has to stop the never-ending army of undead.
    * Multiple Infection:
      The round starts with many humans infected, so the remaining players
      will have to act quickly in order to control the situation.
    * Swarm Mode:
      Half of the players turn into zombies, the rest become immune and
      cannot be infected. It's a battle to death.
    -*- Zombie Classes -*-
    There are six zombie classes by default:
    * Classic Zombie: well balanced zombie for beginners.
    * Raptor Zombie: fast moving zombie, but also the weakest.
    * Poison Zombie: light weighed zombie, jumps higher.
    * Big Zombie: slow but strong zombie, with lots of hit points.
    * Leech Zombie: regains the most health when infecting.
    * Rage Zombie: resultant of the T-Virus combined with radioactivity.
    -*- Extra Items -*-
    Besides weapons, players can buy the following items:
    * Night Vision: makes you able to see in the dark, lasts a single round.
    * T-Virus Antidote: makes you turn back to your human form.
    * Zombie Madness: you develop a powerful shield for a short time.
    * Infection Bomb: infects anyone within its explosion radius.
    -*- Contact Info -*-
    If you have any questions, ideas, suggestions, or need further support
    you can reach me at the following e-mail: wils_90@hotmail.com
    -*- Credits -*-
    * AMXX Dev Team: for all the hard work which made this possible
    * Imperio LNJ Community: for providing the first server where I
      could really test the plugin and for everyone's support
    * Mini_Midget: for his Zombie Swarm plugin which I used for reference
      on earliest stages of development
    * Avalanche: for the random spawning code I got from GunGame and the
      original Frostnades concept that I ported in here
    * cheap_suit: for some modelchange and knockback codes that I got from
    * Simon Logic: for the Pain Shock Free feature
    * KRoT@L: for some code from Follow the Wounded, used to make the zombie
      bleeding feature
    * VEN: for Fakemeta Utilities and some useful stocks
    * RaaPuar and Goltark: for the custom grenade models
    * ML Translations: DKs (BP), JahMan (PL)
    * Everyone who enjoys killing zombies!
    -*- Change Log -*-
    * till 1.0: (Dec 2007)
      - First Release: most of the basic stuff done.
      - Added: random spawning, HP display on hud, lightning setting,
        simple buy menu, custom nightvision, admin commands, Nemesis
        and Survivor modes, glow and leap settings for them.
    * till 2.2: (Jan 2008)
      - Added: zombie classes, ammo packs system, buying ammo for weapons,
        custom flashlight, admin skins setting, zombieplague.cfg file
      - Upgraded: weapons menu improved, flashlight and nightvision colors
        now customizable, HamSandwich module used to handle damage.
      - Fixed various bugs.
    * till 3.0: (Mar 2008)
      - Added: door removal setting, unstuck feature, human cvars, armor
        cvar for zombies, weapon knockback, zombie bleeding, flares,
        extra items (weapons, antidote, infection bomb), Pain Shock
        Free setting, Multiple Infection and Swarm modes.
      - Upgraded: dumped Engine, Fun and Cstrike modules, code optimized,
        new model change method, new gfx effects for zombie infections.
      - Fixed a bunch of gameplay bugs.
    * till 3.5: (May 2008)
      - Added: deathmatch setting with spawn protection, unlimited ammo
        setting, fire and frost grenades, additional customization cvars,
        new extra items, help menu.
      - Upgraded: better objectives removal method, dropped weapons now
        keep their bpammo, code optimized a lot.
      - Fixed: no more game commencing bug when last zombie/human leaves,
        no more hegrenade infection bug, reduced svc_bad errors, and
        many more.


昨天翻的好辛苦 表情

如果覺得我翻譯的不好 (廢話 !! )可以到data/lang/zombie_plague.txt 修改內容喔

記得上面是[en] 不能改那 要轉到中間的[tc]才能改 @@

這個ZombiePlague3.58跟另外一個大大提供的Biohazard是不同的 表情

非常好玩 值得一試

By the way , 發現一個很棒AMXX的論壇


外國的 @@" 內容好豐富阿 表情

[此文章售價 10 雅幣已有 186 人購買]

PS 有買的大大請回覆一下 >""<

不希望大家都只是插件拿了就走 這樣以後就不會有人分享了 Q_Q

如果大大喜歡的話 請在文章的右上角有個推薦

幫忙一下吧 表情

[此文章售價 10 雅幣已有 186 人購買]


  關於遊戲內定的參數 可以到\addons\amxmodx\configs\zombieplague.txt 修改喔 ^^

好人做到底 XD   附上內容的中文

// General
// -------
zp_delay 10 // 就是設定幾秒鐘之後被感染/倖存者 會出現
zp_lightning "f" // 地圖的明亮度 [完全黑暗 A ~ 全亮 Z]
zp_thunderclap 90 // 閃電出現次數 (秒)
zp_triggered_lights 1 // Allow map triggered lights (eg. light switches) 看無
zp_remove_doors 0 // 移除掉地圖內所有的門 [0-不移除 // 1-會動的門 // 2-全部的門]
zp_deathmatch 0 // DM模式 只要被打死立刻重生
zp_spawn_protection 5 // 好像是重生的時間
zp_randspawn 1 // 是否開啟隨機重生
zp_remove_money 1 // 把玩家的錢移除
zp_extra_items 1 // 是否要開啟Extra Item (特殊物件)
zp_zombie_classes 1 // 是否要開放選取僵屍種類

// Custom Flashlight & Nightvision
// -------------------------------
zp_nvg_custom 1 // 是否開啟夜視鏡
zp_nvg_size 80 // 夜視鏡的範圍
zp_nvg_color_R 0 // 僵屍夜視鏡的顏色 (紅)
zp_nvg_color_G 150 // 僵屍夜視鏡的顏色 (綠)
zp_nvg_color_B 0 // 僵屍夜視鏡的顏色 (藍)
zp_nvg_nem_color_R 150 // 復仇者視鏡的顏色 (紅)
zp_nvg_nem_color_G 0 // 復仇者視鏡的顏色 (綠)
zp_nvg_nem_color_B 0 // 復仇者視鏡的顏色 (藍)
zp_flash_custom 0 // 要不要開啟閃光彈
zp_flash_size 10 // 閃光的範圍
zp_flash_drain 1 // Custom Flashlight drain rate [0-unlimited flashlight] 看無
zp_flash_distance 1000 // Custom Flashlight Max Distance in units
zp_flash_color_R 100 // Custom Flashlight Color (Red)
zp_flash_color_G 100 // Custom Flashlight Color (Green)
zp_flash_color_B 100 // Custom Flashlight Color (Blue)

[此文章售價 10 雅幣已有 186 人購買]

[ 此文章被bightw05152在2008-07-11 12:08重新編輯 ]

財富:100 (by amore12) | 理由: 感謝提供!!

Ah HaHa ..


bightw05152 <--- 有問題可以問 :)

加的時候要說是誰喔 =ˇ= ?

獻花 x1 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣 | Posted:2008-06-28 08:01 |
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我覺得這才是真正的喪屍模組 !表情

獻花 x1 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:臺灣中華電信HINET | Posted:2008-07-08 21:45 |
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放在哪阿@@?   不知道放哪耶

用好了在推薦你 表情

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [2 樓] From:臺灣 | Posted:2008-07-10 16:17 |
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請問要怎麼調子彈對喪屍的傷害?= =

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [3 樓] From:臺灣中華電信 | Posted:2008-07-10 16:36 |
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那個網站就是官方網站,,還有一個更棒的啊- -

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [4 樓] From:香港網上行 | Posted:2008-07-10 22:56 |
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買了,,很貴= =
我整合也沒這樣貴 表情
然後加價 表情

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [5 樓] From:香港網上行 | Posted:2008-07-10 23:05 |
bightw05152 手機 會員卡
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其他應該照路逕很好找 @@


我想了很久 除了重生要15個但夾以外

Ah HaHa ..


bightw05152 <--- 有問題可以問 :)

加的時候要說是誰喔 =ˇ= ?

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [6 樓] From:臺灣 | Posted:2008-07-10 23:23 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [7 樓] From:臺灣 | Posted:2008-07-31 18:55 |
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表情 有效嗎=.= 表情

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [8 樓] From:臺灣臺北市 | Posted:2008-08-03 07:54 |
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才剛完cs就迷上了  呵呵

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [9 樓] From:歐洲 | Posted:2008-10-21 05:40 |

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