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長期看短影音 小心染「抖音腦」 The Rise of TikTok Brain


長期看短影音 小心染「抖音腦」 The Rise of TikTok Brain
The Rise of TikTok Brain
#心理 #時事 #流行時尚
1/10 解析英語
作者 Analytical Editors
閱讀時間 5分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀

長期看短影音 小心染「抖音腦」 The Rise of TikTok Brain
在年輕人之間迅速傳播開來的最新社交媒體應用程式是 TikTok

目錄 / More to Learn / 中文翻譯(& 答案)
  The latest social media app to spread like wildfire among young people is TikTok. This app works by people creating and sharing short videos that usually last under a minute. The videos posted often cover various topics like dance challenges, fashion trends, prank videos, or even news updates. While this might seem like just another harmless social media app, new research shows that TikTok can negatively affect people’s attention spans.    

  Some studies have recently discovered that apps like TikTok affect people’s brains. Specifically, it has altered how our brains release dopamine. Dopamine is often called the “feel-good” hormone because it produces feelings of pleasure that can motivate people to do more of an activity. It is a neurotransmitter that our brains release as a reward when we do undertakings such as eating a tasty meal, winning a race, or watching a funny video. So, when people watch short, 30-second videos over and over, their brains release more dopamine with each video.

  If people continually repeat this cycle over a period of time, it can eventually rewire our brains to expect instant gratification. When this isn’t met, people will shift their attention to something new. Furthermore, it reduces our ability to delay gratification and focus on things for long periods of time. This issue can be especially problematic in teenagers whose brains are still developing and can lead to addictive tendencies.

  To prevent the development of TikTok brain in their children, parents are advised to limit the amount of screen time their children have. Parents should also set good examples by turning off their phones and fully engaging with their children during conversations.

1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about TikTok?
(A) It has rapidly gained popularity among the youth.
(B) It never covers any topics other than dance challenges.
(C) It enables users to view, produce, and distribute brief videos online.
(D) It may harmfully impact individuals'ability to focus for extended periods.
2. Why is dopamine often referred to as the “feel-good” hormone?
(A) It is more common in teenagers.
(B) It creates sensations of delight.
(C) It is used to stabilize people’s emotions.
(D) It aids in the length of time a person can concentrate.
3.According to the passage, what can parents do to keep their children from developing TikTok brain?
(A) Ask their children to switch off their phones.
(B) Ban all screen time completely for their children.
(C) Avoid face-to-face interactions with their children.
(D) Set restrictions on how long their children look at the screen.

答案: 1 B 2 B 3 D

Words in Use

specifically [spɪˋsɪfɪk!ɪ]

adv. 尤其,特別地

alter [ˋɔltɚ]

vt. 修改(衣服)
vt. & vi. 改變

update [ʌpˋdet]

vt. 使更新;為……提供最新消息
n. 更新(消息)

shift [ʃɪft]

.vt. 轉移,改變
n. 輪班

motivate [ˋmotə͵vet]

.vt. 促使,激發

hormone [ˋhɔrmon]

n. 荷爾蒙

span [spæn]

n. . 一段時間
vt. (時間)持續,貫穿;包括

continually [kənˋtɪnjʊəlɪ]

adv. 持續地,不間斷地

prank [præŋk]
n. 惡作劇

problematic [͵prɑbləˋmætɪk]

a. 充滿問題的

dopamine [ˋdopə͵min]
n. 神經傳導物質

undertaking [͵ʌndɚˋtekɪŋ]
n. 工作,任務

rewire [riˋwaɪr]
vt. 重塑(大腦);重新裝/配線

gratification [͵grætəfəˋkeʃən]
n. 滿足
Practical Phrases

spread like wildfire 迅速地傳開來
The rumor spread like wildfire.

set an example (for sb) (為某人)樹立一個榜樣
Teachers should set a good example for students.

over and over 反覆地,一再地,屢次
The audience chanted the name of the singer over and over.

engage with 與⋯⋯交流
Engaging with people of different backgrounds can be beneficial.

screen time (看電腦、電視、手機等的)螢幕時間
More to Learn
addictive   a. 上癮的
• Morphine may alleviate your pain, but it is physically addictive.

字尾 -ive 表「有……性質的」,以下介紹幾個其他常見的單字︰

a. defensive   a. 防禦的
• Don't be so defensive. I didn't mean that in a bad way.
b. offensive   a. 攻擊性的;冒犯的
• You should bite your tongue if you think you're going to say something offensive.
*bite one's tongue  (某人)強忍住不說
c. excessive   a. 過度的
• Excessive drinking is harmful to your health.
d. narrative   a. 敘事的
• Jane composed a narrative poem that depicted the beauty of nature.
e. massive a. 巨大的
• A massive sign just fell off the building.
f. progressive   a. (指思想或體制)進步的/先進的
• The governor has adopted a progressive posture towards same-sex marriage.

中文翻譯(& 答案)
長期看短影音 小心染「抖音腦」

  在年輕人之間迅速傳播開來的最新社交媒體應用程式是TikTok。這個應用程式的運作方式是人們製作並分享通常不超過一分鐘的短影音。發布的影片常涵蓋各種主題,如舞蹈挑戰、時尚潮流、惡作劇影片,或甚至是新聞最新消息。雖然這看似只是另一個無害的社交媒體應用程式,但新的研究表明,TikTok 會對人們的注意力時間產生負面影響。

  一些研究最近發現,像是 TikTok 這類的應用程式會影響人們的大腦。具體來說,它改變了我們大腦釋放多巴胺的方式。多巴胺通常被稱為「使人愉悅的」荷爾蒙,因為它能產生愉悅感,促使人們從事更多某一項活動。多巴胺是一種神經傳導物質,當我們做一些事情時 ── 比如吃一頓可口的餐點、贏得一場比賽或觀看一段有趣的影片 ── 大腦就會釋放多巴胺作為獎勵。因此,當人們一次又一次地觀看三十秒的短影音時,其大腦就會隨著每段影片釋放更多的多巴胺。


  為防止孩子發展出抖音腦(TikTok brain),建議家長限制孩子看螢幕的時間。家長還應在與孩子交談時關掉手機並完全投入,以樹立良好榜樣。

1. 根據本文,以下哪項關於 TikTok 的敘述是不正確的?
(A) 它在年輕人之間迅速流行起來。
(B) 它從不涵蓋除了舞蹈挑戰之外的任何主題。
(C) 它讓用戶能夠線上觀看、製作和發送短影音。
(D) 它可能會對個人長時間集中注意力的能力產生有害影響。
2. 為什麼多巴胺常被稱為「使人愉悅的」荷爾蒙?
(A) 它在青少年身上更為常見。
(B) 它能產生愉悅的感覺。
(C) 它用於穩定人們的情緒。
(D) 它對於一個人集中注意力的時間長度有所幫助。
3. 根據本文,父母可以做些什麼來防止孩子發展出抖音腦?
(A) 要求孩子關掉手機。
(B) 完全禁止孩子看螢幕的時間。
(C) 避免與孩子面對面交流。
(D) 限制孩子看螢幕的時長。

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