小被被 就是要它陪睡 The Benefits of a Security Blanket
3/10 解析英語
作者 Duncan DeAeth
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小被被 就是要它陪睡 The Benefits of a Security Blanket
對於身處在陌生環境的孩子們來說,小被被證實能夠降 低心率和減輕壓力。
目錄 / More to Learn / Grammar Tips / 中文翻譯(& 答案)
When you were little, did you have a favorite blanket or stuffed animal that you carried everywhere? Most children become attached to specific objects that give them feelings of happiness, comfort, or security. These items are commonly known as “security blankets.”
Security blankets, whether an actual blanket, teddy bear, or some other toy, provide children with a sense of safety in an uncertain world. Over time, they develop feelings of affection for the items. Scientists aren’t sure why children form these connections, but there is a consensus that security blankets are beneficial for them.
For children in unfamiliar situations, security blankets have proven to lower heart rates and reduce stress. Typically, as children grow up, the sense of security offered by the object fades. However, attachment to the item may last long into adulthood. Old security blankets often become symbols of happy memories and childhood innocence.
In fact, many adults throughout the world keep the security blankets they had as children. A recent study in Britain found that 35% of adults sleep with stuffed animals. The specific items may change throughout one’s life, and people frequently form similar attachments with new objects. Think about your favorite sweatshirt, pillow, or blanket that you enjoy snuggling under at home. Items like these provide a sense of comfort and safety to help us relax and forget some of our worries.
Unsurprisingly, scientists have found that security blankets offer many of the same benefits for adults as they do for children. Some people believe that adults never really outgrow the need for items that provide feelings of familiarity and comfort. Adults simply don’t use the term “security blanket” to describe them.
1. Which of the following questions can be answered by the passage?(單選題)
(A) Why do adults grow out of the need for security blankets?
(B) What are some positive aspects of keeping security blankets?
(C) When is the best time to give up security blankets?
(D) How do children create connections with security blankets?
2. Which word in the passage means “an opinion that most people agree with”?(簡答)
3. Why does the attachment to childhood security blankets NOT disappear when people grow into an adult?(簡答)
Because these objects _______________________________.
4. 請從文章中選出一個單詞(word)填入下列句子的空格,並視語法需要作適當的字型變化,使句子語意完整、語 法正確,且符合本文文意。(填空)
According to some studies, both children and adults can ________ from keeping a security blanket.
Words in Use
provide [prəˋvaɪd]
vt. 提供
security [sɪˋkjʊrətɪ]
n. 安全
connection [kəˋnɛkʃən]
n. 關係,關聯;(實體)連接;(電線等的) 接頭,連接部分
affection [əˋfɛkʃən]
n. 喜愛,鍾愛;愛慕之情(恆用複數)
attachment [əˋtætʃmənt]
n. 附屬物,附加設備;愛慕
innocence [ˋɪnəsns]
n. 無罪,清白;純真
consensus [kənˋsɛnsəs]
n. 共識
benefit [ˋbɛnəfɪt]
n. 利益
vt. 有益於
vi. 獲益(與介詞 from 並用)
familiarity [fə͵mɪlɪˋærətɪ]
n. . 通曉,熟悉;親近(皆為不可數)
unfamiliar [͵ʌnfəˋmɪljɚ]
a. 不熟悉的,生疏的
relax [rɪˋlæks]
vt. 使放鬆;使寬鬆
vi. 放鬆,休息
fade [fed]
vi. 褪色;漸弱
frequently [ˋfrikwəntlɪ]
adv. 經常地,再三地
sweatshirt [ˋswɛt͵ʃɝt]
n. 感情,摯愛
snuggle [ˋsnʌg!]
vi. 依偎
outgrow [ˋaʊtˋgro]
vt. 長大而不適於
Practical Phrases
provide sb with sth 提供某人某物
= furnish sb with sth
This company provides you with all the equipment you’ll need for camping.
I’ll provide you with everything you need for the mission.
become / be attached to... 附著/固定/連接在⋯⋯
Do you like the charm that is attached to my phone?
prove to V 證實⋯⋯
Drinking milk has proven to improve dental health.
a stuffed animal 填充動物玩偶
More to Learn
adulthood [ əˋdʌlthʊd ] n. 成年(期)
• Once we reach adulthood, we should take total responsibility for our behavior.
-hood(......狀態∕時期)常接在名詞之後形成另一 個名詞,表示「擁有某種狀態」或「進入某種時期」 之意,如 adulthood 就是 adult(成年)加 -hood 而成。常見用法還有下列:
a. child (孩童) + -hood
= childhood [ ˋtʃaɪld͵hʊd ] n. 童年,兒童時期
• Stories about my father’s childhood inspired me to work harder for a brighter future.
b. baby (嬰兒) + -hood
= babyhood [ ˋbebɪ͵hʊd ] n. 嬰兒期
• Paul said his younger sister had died during babyhood.
c. brother (兄弟) + -hood
= brotherhood [ ˋbrʌðɚ͵hʊd ] n.
• The Vietnam War veteran still feels a strong sense of brotherhood with his fellow soldiers.
那位越戰老兵仍感受得到他與戰時同袍間深厚的情 誼。
d. parent (父母) + -hood
= parenthood [ ˋpɛrənt͵hʊd ] n.
• The couple decided not to have kids for at least three years because they weren’t ready for parenthood.
這對夫妻決定至少三年內都不要有小孩,因為他們 還沒準備好為人父母。
e. neighbor (鄰居) + -hood
= neighborhood [ ˋnebɚ͵hʊd ] n. 社區;鄰近地區
• Everyone in the neighborhood took action to help the child who was being physically abused.
Grammar Tips
Unsurprisingly, scientists have found that security blankets offer many of the same benefits for adults as they do for children.
介紹 as 作準關係代名詞的用法
Q: 什麼是準關係代名詞?
A: 連接詞兼作關係代名詞的詞類稱為準關係代名詞。
as 作準關係代名詞時,前面要有名詞,理論上,as 等同於「as + the + 前面的名詞 + 關係代名詞 who / whom / which」。換言之,可將 as 視為關係代名詞, 在所引導的子句中要作主詞、受詞或 be 動詞後的補語 (be 動詞通常可省略)。
as 作準關係代名詞時只用於下列句構中:
※ the same + N + as... 和⋯⋯相同的⋯⋯(本文即為此用法)
• When dealing with the problem, you should avoid making the same mistakes as were made last time.
• Ella has the same book as Jack is reading. 艾拉有一本書跟傑克正在讀的相同。
• This bed is the same length as that one (is). 這張床的長度和那張一樣。
※ as + Adj. + N + as... 和⋯⋯一樣的⋯⋯
• The firefighter is as brave a man as ever lived.
• Katherine earns as much money as her brother (does).
• Ian is as good a student as Andy (is).
※ such + N + as... 像⋯⋯那樣的⋯⋯
• I know of no such boring man as Helen described.
• There is not such a professor as Benjamin in this university.
I have the same mug _____ is on the desk.
(A) like
(B) what
(C) as
(D) whom
中文翻譯(& 答案)
你小時候是否有件你到哪都帶著、最喜愛的毯子或填充 動物玩偶?多數孩子都會依戀帶給他們幸福、舒適或安全感 的特定物品。這些物品就是俗稱的「小被被」。
小被被 ── 不管是真正的毯子、泰迪熊或其他玩具 ── 為孩子在這個未知的世界裡提供安全感。隨著時間過 去,他們發展出對這些物品的依戀。科學家不確定為何孩子 們會發展出這些連結,但他們有個共識:小被被對他們是有 益的。
對於身處在陌生環境的孩子們來說,小被被證實能夠降 低心率和減輕壓力。一般來說,隨著孩子長大,該物品提供 的安全感就會漸漸消失。不過,對於該物品的依戀也可能一 直持續到成年。舊的小被被通常會成為快樂回憶和童年天真 無邪的象徵。
實際上,世界各地許多成年人都留著小時候的小被被。 一份英國近期的研究發現,35% 的成年人會跟填充動物玩偶 一起睡覺。特定的物品在一生中可能會改變,而人們往往會 對新的物品產生相似的依戀。想想你在家時最喜歡舒舒服服 依偎在上面的長袖運動衫、枕頭或毯子。這類的物品提供了舒適感和安全感,幫助我們放鬆和忘卻一些煩惱。
不令人意外的是,科學家發現許多小被被為成年人帶來 的好處就跟為孩子們帶來的好處一樣。有些人認為成年人從 來不會真正長大到不需要會帶來熟悉感和舒適感的物品。成 年人只是不會使用小被被一詞來形容這些物品。
1. 本文可回答下列哪個問題?
(A) 為什麼成年人長大後就不需要小被被?
(B) 擁有一條小被被有哪些助益面?
(C) 放棄小被被的最佳時間點為何?
(D) 孩子們是如何與小被被產生連結的?
答案: B
2. 文中哪個字意思是 “an opinion that most people agree with”?
答案: consensus / Consensus.
3. 為何對孩提時期小被被的依戀在成年後不會消失?
答案: (often) become symbols of happy memories and childhood innocence
4. 根據一些研究,孩童和成人都可以從擁有一件小被被 中 ________。
答案: benefit