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乾燥花藝:凍結絕美時刻 DIY Flower Drying at Home
DIY Flower Drying at Home

作者 Duncan DeAeth

乾燥花藝:凍結絕美時刻 DIY Flower Drying at Home

目錄 / More to Learn / Grammar Tips / 中文翻譯(& 答案)

      For people who love flowers, drying flowers to keep them from withering is a fun hobby. Dried flowers last much longer than the normal lifespan of a flower. If you’re interested in starting a flower collection or preserving a bouquet as a keepsake, here are two methods to try.

Air-drying Method

      This is a traditional method used for centuries. It’s also quite simple. First, cut off any excess leaves and trim the stems of your flowers, but leave at least six inches of length. After that, you use twine, ribbon, or string to tie your bunch of flowers securely together. Then, all that is left to do is to hang them upside down to dry, but avoid hanging them in moist areas. Also, keep them away from light; otherwise, the flower’s color may fade during the drying process, which takes about two to three weeks.

Microwave Method

      This method is relatively new compared to the air-drying method. It is great for preserving flowers in full bloom. However, you’ll need a microwave oven and something called silica gel. First, cut off the stems close to the base of the flower. Next, add silica gel to a microwave-safe container. The silica gel should be about two to three centimeters deep. Then, place the blooms in the container, and sprinkle a bit more of the silica gel over the flowers and between the petals. Place the container into the microwave and heat it for two to five minutes. Once the flowers feel dry, take the container out of the microwave and cover it with a lid for 24 hours. Be sure to open the top slightly for it to vent.

      Using either of these methods will create lovely decorations that look great for months or even years.

1. Which word in the passage means “becoming drier and smaller and starting to die”?(簡答)


2. Please fill in the blanks with the information contained in the passage.(填空)

Method       Tools       Drying duration
Air-drying method       twine, ribbon, or string       ___________(a)___________
Microwave method       - a microwave
- a microwave-safe container
- ___________(b)___________       two to five minutes

3. Which of the following statements are true, according to the passage?(多選題)

(A) Water might cause flowers to lose their color when they are hung to dry.

(B) Flowers must be dipped in silica gel before being placed in a dark room.

(C) The air-drying method uses less equipment than the microwave method.

(D) The microwave method has been around longer than the air-drying method.

(E) Before being put in a microwave to dry, flowers have to be hung for 24 hours.

(F) Flowers have to be removed from the stems if they are to be dried in the microwave.

Words in Use

keep [kip]

vt. & vi. (使)保持
vt. 保留;飼養
n. 生計
vi. 繼續

lid [lɪd]

n. 蓋子

stem [stɛm]

.vt. 阻止
vi. 起因於(與介詞 from 並用)
n. 莖

decoration [͵dɛkəˋreʃən]

n. 裝飾(不可數);裝飾物(可數)

sprinkle [ˋsprɪŋk!]

.vt. 撒

container [kənˋtenɚ]

n. 容器

wither [ˋwɪðɚ]

vi. 枯萎

trim [trɪm]

vt. & n. 修剪 (頭髮、樹枝等)
a. 整齊的 ; 健康苗條的

bouquet [buˋke]

n. . 花束,一束花

excess [ɪkˋsɛs]

n. . 過量
a. 過多的

fade [fed]

vi. 褪色;漸弱

bunch [bʌntʃ]

n. 一束;一群(人)

moist [mɔɪst]

a. 潮溼的,溼潤的

lifespan [ˋlaɪfˋspæn]
n. 壽命

securely [sɪˋkjʊrlɪ]

adv. 牢固地,緊緊地

vent [vɛnt]
vi. 通風

petal [ˋpɛt!]
n. 花瓣

twine [twaɪn]
n. (兩股或多股的)麻繩/細繩

keepsake [ˋkip͵sek]
n. 紀念品
Practical Phrases

remove A from B 將 A 從 B 中除去
I removed a coffee stain from the shirt with a special cleanser.

compare with / to... 比較……
Compared with my plain boxed meal, Becky’s seemed like a great delicacy.

silica gel 矽膠

DIY 自己動手做

cut off 剪掉/移除⋯⋯
After getting the cast cut off, Zack kept it as a souvenir.

upside down 上下顛倒
Passengers were thrown upside down when the plane rolled over.

keep... away from 使⋯⋯遠離⋯⋯
Jimmy applied some insect repellent to the
skin to keep bugs away from him.

in full bloom (花朵)盛開
Tulips are in full bloom in April in the Netherlands.

More to Learn

keep sb/sth from V-ing

• By grabbing my shirt, Bill kept me from falling into the muddy puddle.


表「阻止、防止、禁止」等概念的動詞常與介詞 from 並用,以下介紹其他常見的用法:

a. stop / prevent sb/sth from V-ing 阻止/防止某人/某物做⋯⋯

• You should put meat into the fridge to prevent it from rotting.

b. prohibit / ban / bar sb from V-ing 禁止某人做⋯⋯

prohibit [ prəˋhɪbɪtt ] vt. 禁止

• Male officers are prohibited from flirting with female personnel.


c. deter sb from V-ing 防止/嚇阻某人做⋯⋯

deter [ dɪˋtɝ ] vt. 阻止,使不敢

• Jacob rigged a flash-bang in his truck to deter car burglars from stealing it.


d. discourage sb from V-ing 勸阻某人做⋯⋯;打消某人做⋯⋯的念頭

discourage [ dɪsˋkɝɪdʒ ] vt. 勸阻;使氣餒

• The barriers were put up to discourage children from playing in the fountain.


• The failure discouraged John from trying again.


e. dissuade sb from V-ing 勸某人不要做⋯⋯

dissuade [ dɪˋswed ] vt. 勸阻

• Mr. and Mrs. Lee dissuaded their son from dropping out of college.


Grammar Tips

Also, keep them away from light; otherwise, the flower’s color may fade...

介紹 otherwise 的用法:

otherwise 為副詞,有以下幾種常見用法:

※ 表「否則」,為連接性副詞,指如果沒有做某件事情, 就會發生不好的事,或是某事如果沒有發生,就會發 生另一件事情。使用時其前置句點或分號,而其後則 加不加逗點均可(本文用法)。

• You should listen to me; otherwise, you’ll be sorry.


• Please tuck your shirt into your pants. Otherwise you will look sloppy.


※ 表「用別種方式」或「不同地」,用來修飾動詞,表 對稱或相反的情況,等同於 (in) another way 或 differently 的意思。

• Many people believed David was innocent, but I thought otherwise.


※ 表「除此之外,在其他方面」,等同於 apart from that 的意思。

• Sam fell off his bike and bruised his knee but was otherwise unhurt.


※ 表「原本,本來」,用在形容詞子句中,且其前有助動 詞 would 或 might 時,形成假設語氣,意為「本來應當⋯⋯」或「不然可能會⋯⋯」。

• The lifeguard’s quick reaction saved the girl who would otherwise have drowned.


※ 表「原本,本來」時,otherwise 亦可修飾形容詞。

• Michael’s behavior cast a chill over an otherwise lovely party.



Make up your mind about the plan for this weekend; _____, I will go shopping with Jack.

(A) moreover (B) therefore
(C) otherwise (D) nevertheless


中文翻譯(& 答案)

乾燥花藝 : 凍結絕美時刻

對愛花人士來說,將花乾燥以防止其枯萎是有趣的嗜 好。乾燥花比花朵一般的壽命還要更長。如果你對於開始蒐 集花或保存一束花作為紀念品有興趣的話,有兩個方法可以 試試。


這是已經實行數個世紀的傳統方法。它也十分簡單。首 先,將任何多餘的葉子剪掉,並修剪花朵的莖,但留下至少 六英寸的長度。在那之後,用麻繩、緞帶或細線將你的花束 緊緊綁在一起。接著,就只剩下把它們倒掛起來風乾了,但 要避免把它們掛在潮濕的地方。此外,也別讓它們照到光; 否則,花可能會在風乾過程中褪色,而風乾過程大約要兩到 三週。


這個方法與風乾法相比要來得新許多。這個方法很適合 用來保存盛開的花朵。不過,你會需要一臺微波爐跟矽膠。 首先,從接近花的底部將莖剪掉。接著將矽膠放入可微波的 容器。矽膠的深度要達約二到三公分深。再來,把花朵放入 容器中,在花朵上及花瓣之間再撒一些矽膠。將容器放入微 波爐中,加熱三到五分鐘。一旦花朵摸起來乾乾的,就把容 器從微波爐中拿出來,用蓋子蓋住二十四小時。記住,上面 要微微打開來讓它透氣。

這兩種方法皆能創造出可愛的裝飾,能夠維持數個月或 甚至數年。


1. 文中哪一個字意思為 “becoming drier and smaller and starting to die”?

答案: withering / Withering.

2. 請用本文所含的資訊來填空。

答案: (a) two to three weeks (b) silica gel

3. 根據本文,下列敘述何者正確?

(A) 花被掛起來風乾時,水可能會導致其褪色。

(B) 花在被放到全暗的房間前,要先浸泡在矽膠中。

(C) 風乾法用到的器具比微波爐乾燥法要少。

(D) 微波爐乾燥法比風乾法存在更久。

(E) 花在放入微波爐乾燥前,要先掛起來二十四個小 時。

(F) 在把花放入微波爐乾燥前,要先把莖剪掉。

答案: (C)、(F)

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