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預約視訊診療拿數位「處方籤」 看防疫政策學英文

>> 買不到快篩?學短缺英文怎麼說

Taiwan has seen a growing demand for remote telemedicine consultations amid an ongoing spike in COVID-19 cases. (CNA)
(在 COVID-19 病例持續激增的情況下,台灣已經目睹了遠距視訊看診諮詢的高需求。)

remote是「遙遠的、遠距的」意思,延伸單字還有remote control「遙控器」、remote work「遠距工作」、remote learning「遠距學習」。副詞為remotely,因此也可用work remotely、learn remotely來表達。

This enables you to get remote access to your email.

Most of our employees work remotely.


The chances of a visit by Martians to Earth are remote.

I’m afraid we’re not remotely interested in your proposal.

telemedicine「遠距醫療(服務)」也就是「遠距視訊看診」的意思。字首「tele-」代表at a distance「遠方的」,故teleworking代表「遠距工作」,telelearning指的是「遠距學習」,telecommunication則是「遠距通訊」。

If the symptoms get worse, consult your doctor.

Infected COVID-19 individuals who are quarantining at home can schedule a virtual appointment if they have urgent medical issues. They can obtain a digital prescription and have their relatives or friends pick up medicines with the digital prescription or have pharmacists deliver the medicine to their home. (CNA)

a virtual appointment是「 視訊預約看診」的意思。virtual解釋為「通過網路」,因此virtual appointment代表「在網路上預約看診」。另外virtual也有「實質上的、幾乎」的意思。

Ten years of incompetent government had brought about the virtual collapse of the country’s economy.

He is a virtual prisoner in his own home.

schedule在這裡當動詞使用,解釋為「安排、預定」,當名詞時是「行程表、時刻表」的意思,是多益測驗常考單字。常見的使用方式還有 ahead of schedule 「行程表提前」、on schedule「按照行程表」、fall behind schedule「行程表延後」。

We expect the building work to be completed ahead of schedule.

a digital prescription是「電子處方籤」的意思。形容詞digital解釋為「數位的」,而在智慧型手機普及前 digital camera「數位相機」就曾盛行過,照片檔存在SD卡(Secure Digital Memory Card)裡。除了相機,digital也可以用在digital watch「數位手表」、digital clock「數位時鐘」、digital TV「數位電視」等。 動詞digitize則代表「數位化」,

The museum has used a grant to digitize its manuscript collection.


These drugs are only available on prescription (= with a prescription from a doctor).

on prescription的介系詞on就是「憑、靠」的意思。動詞變化prescribe「開處方籤」則是加上字尾「-ibe」的用法。

The drug is often prescribed for ulcers.



1. There is now increased competition among motor-vehicle manufacturers ________ has resulted in better cars at lower prices.
(A) those
(B) what
(C) that
(D) where

2. Comco, Inc., became the leading supplier of computer ________ last year, less than ten years after it was founded.
(A) amounts
(B) types
(C) kinds
(D) parts

3. The recent increase in tourism has done less to improve the business of small retailers in this area than we ________ predicted.
(A) original
(B) originally
(C) originated
(D) originality


1. 正解(C)。語意為「目前汽車製造商間競爭越來越激烈,促使品質好的汽車可以低價售出。」本題要考的是形容詞子句用法,空格前為主要子句,後方的形容詞子句要表達「促使品質好的汽車可以低價售出」。句子使用關係代名詞作為連結詞/代名詞的用法,因此that指的是競爭造成低價出售高品質車輛的結果。故(C)為正確答案。

2. 正解(D)。語意為「Comco, Inc.在成立不到10年內,於去年成為電腦零件的領先供應商。」本題要考的是慣用語,電腦零件的英文是computer parts。故(D)為正確答案。

3. 正解(B)。語意為「近期旅遊業的發展對改善該地區小型零售商的業務作用比我們最初預測的要少」本題要考副詞修飾動詞的用法,比我們「原本」預期的用法,要用副詞originally。故(B)為正確答案。

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣亞太線上服務股份有限公司 | Posted:2022-06-06 22:47 |

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