
[一般] 钱
It can buy a House 可以用来买房子 But not a Home 但是不能买一个家
It can buy a Bed 可以用来买床 But not Sleep 但是不能买睡眠
It can buy a Clock 可以用来买时钟 But not Time. 但是不能买时间
It can buy you a Book , 可以用来买书 But not Knowledge 但是不能买到知识
It can buy you a Position 可以用来买职位 But not Respect 但是不能买到尊敬
It can buy you Medicine 可以用来买药 But not Health 但是不能买到健康
It can buy you Blood 可以用来买血 But not Life 但是不能买回生命
It can buy you Sex 可以用来买性行为 But not Love 但是不能买到真爱
So you see money isn't everything. 所以金钱不是万能的
I tell you all this because I am your Friend, 我之所以告诉你这些道理,是因为我是你真正的朋友
and as your Friend I want to take away your pain and suffering..... 而身为你的朋友,我想要消除你的痛苦 免除你所受的折磨
so send me all your money and I will suffer for you 所以把你的钱都寄来吧! 我决定替你承受 这一切痛苦......
A truer Friend than me you will never find.
你再也不会找到任何一个比我更真心的朋 友了
太有道理了,要慢慢看! 我最喜欢结论! !!