/* NAG ACCESS - Author: NAG */ #if defined _nag_access_included #endinput #endif #define _nag_access_included /* 判斷玩家是否擁有ADMIN1權限 判断玩家是否拥有ADMIN1权限 Check if a player has the access called ADMIN1 @param index //玩家索引// Player's index @return //return 1 - 拥有//擁有//Has had it //return 0 - 没有//沒有//Doesn't have it @example: public check(id) { if (is_user_admin1(id) == 1) client_print(id,print_chat,"YOU HAVE THE ACCESS CALLED ADMIN1.") } */ native is_user_admin1(index) native is_user_admin2(index) native is_user_admin3(index) native is_user_admin4(index) native is_user_admin5(index) native is_user_admin6(index) native is_user_admin7(index) native is_user_admin8(index) native is_user_admin9(index) native is_user_admin10(index) /* 設定玩家是否擁有ADMIN1權限 设定玩家是否拥有ADMIN1权限 GIVE AWAY / TAKE AWAY the access called ADMIN1 TO / FROM a player. @param index //玩家索引// Player's index @param whether //whether = 1 - 给予//給予//Give it away to the player //whether = 0 - 没收//沒收//Take it away from the player @example: public set(id) { set_user_admin1(id,1) client_print(id,print_chat,"NOW YOU HAVE THE ACCESS CALLED ADMIN1") } */ native set_user_admin1(index,whether) native set_user_admin2(index,whether) native set_user_admin3(index,whether) native set_user_admin4(index,whether) native set_user_admin5(index,whether) native set_user_admin6(index,whether) native set_user_admin7(index,whether) native set_user_admin8(index,whether) native set_user_admin9(index,whether) native set_user_admin10(index,whether)
"玩家遊戲ID" "0#0#0#0#1#1#0#0#0#" 第二個引用符中的10個數字分別對應ADMIN1,ADMIN2,ADMIN3,ADMIN4……ADMIN10這10個權限。0表示不擁有該權限,1表示擁有該權限。 如果通過修改access.txt給予玩家新權限,則必須提前使玩家暫時退出遊戲,直到修改完畢後方可進入伺服器玩耍。 不支持中文ID,如果使用中文ID,可能造成數據丟失。