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[SQL][讨论] 我的 phpMyAdmin 无有显示网页
我的网址是 : http://XXX.XXX.XXX....yadmin/



而是显示index.php 档的内容 :?: (以下)

/* $Id: index.php,v 2006/04/20 14:14:19 nijel Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* forms frameset
* @uses   libraries/common.lib.php     global fnctions
* @uses   libraries/relation.lib.php     table relations
* @uses   $GLOBALS['strNoFrames']
* @uses   $GLOBALS['cfg']['QueryHistoryDB']
* @uses   $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user']
* @uses   $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabServer']   as src for the mainframe
* @uses   $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase']   as src for the mainframe
* @uses   $GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftWidth']         for left frame width
* @uses   $GLOBALS['collation_connection']   from $_REQUEST (grab_globals.lib.php)
*                               or common.lib.php
* @uses   $GLOBALS['available_languages'] from common.lib.php (select_lang.lib.php)
* @uses   $GLOBALS['db']
* @uses   $GLOBALS['charset']
* @uses   $GLOBALS['lang']
* @uses   $GLOBALS['text_dir']
* @uses   $_ENV['HTTP_HOST']
* @uses   PMA_getRelationsParam()
* @uses   PMA_purgeHistory()
* @uses   PMA_generate_common_url()
* @uses   PMA_VERSION
* @uses   session_write_close()
* @uses   time()
* @uses   PMA_getenv()
* @uses   header()           to send charset

* Gets core libraries and defines some variables

* Includes the ThemeManager if it hasn't been included yet

// free the session file, for the other frames to be loaded

// Gets the host name
// loic1 - 2001/25/11: use the new globals arrays defined with php 4.1+
if (empty($HTTP_HOST)) {
  if (PMA_getenv('HTTP_HOST')) {
    $HTTP_HOST = PMA_getenv('HTTP_HOST');
  } else {
    $HTTP_HOST = ''

// purge querywindow history
$cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
if ( $GLOBALS['cfg']['QueryHistoryDB'] && $cfgRelation['historywork'] ) {
  PMA_purgeHistory( $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user'] );
unset( $cfgRelation );

* pass variables to child pages
$drops = array( 'lang', 'server', 'convcharset', 'collation_connection',
  'db', 'table' );

foreach ( $drops as $each_drop ) {
  if ( ! array_key_exists( $each_drop, $_GET ) ) {
    unset( $_GET[$each_drop] );
unset( $drops, $each_drop );

if ( ! isset($GLOBALS['db']) || ! strlen($GLOBALS['db']) ) {
  $main_target = $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabServer'];
} elseif ( ! isset($GLOBALS['table']) || ! strlen($GLOBALS['table']) ) {
  $_GET['db'] = $GLOBALS['db'];
  $main_target = $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase'];
} else {
  $_GET['db'] = $GLOBALS['db'];
  $_GET['table'] = $GLOBALS['table'];
  $main_target = $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabTable'];

$url_query = PMA_generate_common_url( $_GET );

if (!empty($GLOBALS['target']) && in_array($GLOBALS['target'], $goto_whitelist)) {
  $main_target = $GLOBALS['target'];

$main_target .= $url_query;

$lang_iso_code = $GLOBALS['available_languages'][$GLOBALS['lang']][2];

// start output
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $GLOBALS['charset']);
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1...l"
  xml:lang="<?php echo $lang_iso_code; ?>"
  lang="<?php echo $lang_iso_code; ?>"
  dir="<?php echo $GLOBALS['text_dir']; ?>">
<link rel="icon" href="./favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="./favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
<title>phpMyAdmin <?php echo PMA_VERSION; ?> -
  <?php echo htmlspecialchars($HTTP_HOST); ?></title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
  content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $GLOBALS['charset']; ?>" />
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
// <![CDATA[
  // definitions used in querywindow.js
  var common_query = '<?php echo PMA_generate_common_url('', '', '&');?>'
  var opendb_url = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase']; ?>'
  var safari_browser = <?php echo PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'SAFARI' ? 'true' : 'false' ?>;
  var querywindow_height = <?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['QueryWindowHeight']; ?>;
  var querywindow_width = <?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['QueryWindowWidth']; ?>;
  var collation_connection = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['collation_connection']; ?>'
  var lang = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['lang']; ?>'
  var server = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['server']; ?>'
  var table = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['table']; ?>'
  var db   = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['db']; ?>'
  var text_dir = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['text_dir']; ?>'
  var pma_absolute_uri = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['PmaAbsoluteUri']; ?>'
// ]]>
<script src="./js/querywindow.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
<frameset cols="<?php
if ($GLOBALS['text_dir'] === 'rtl') {
  echo '*,'
echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftWidth'];
if ($GLOBALS['text_dir'] === 'ltr') {
  echo ',*'
?>" rows="*" id="mainFrameset">
  <?php if ($GLOBALS['text_dir'] === 'ltr') { ?>
  <frame frameborder="0" id="frame_navigation"
    src="left.php<?php echo $url_query; ?>"
    name="frame_navigation" />
  <?php } ?>
  <frame frameborder="0" id="frame_content"
    src="<?php echo $main_target; ?>"
    name="frame_content" />
  <?php if ($GLOBALS['text_dir'] === 'rtl') { ?>
  <frame frameborder="0" id="frame_navigation"
    src="left.php<?php echo $url_query; ?>"
    name="frame_navigation" />
  <?php } ?>
        <p><?php echo $GLOBALS['strNoFrames']; ?></p>



● Appserv 2.2.2
● MySQL 5.0.22
● PHP 5.1.4
● phpMyAdmin 2.8.1
● ActivePerl
● Zend Optimizer 3.0.1

[ 此文章被innostr1am在2006-06-26 03:22重新编辑 ]

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾固网 | Posted:2006-06-26 00:49 |
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Apache 2.2.2 改装 2.0.58 就解决了 ...

是否 2.2.2 无法用 ??

献花 x0 回到顶端 [1 楼] From:台湾固网 | Posted:2006-06-26 03:22 |

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