
[分享] 无意义的娱乐
灵命日粮 - 2005年3月11日 读经: 彼得后书1章1-4节
金句: 「上帝的神能已将一切关乎生命和虔敬的事赐给我们。」(彼得后书1章3节)
全年读经: 约书亚记1-3章
数年前我曾拜访一所知名大学的图书馆。当我沿着一排排的书架行走,无意中从一排读书区走过,竟然瞥见一个学生在看儿童漫画书。在这神圣的知识殿堂里,这名年轻人竟浑然忘我地陶醉在童真世界,我不禁哑然失笑。 看漫画并没有什么不对,人在工作读书之余都需要稍作喘息。只是有人总是沉浸在无意义的娱乐之中:书本、杂志及各类娱乐一再吸引我们的焦点,而且对我们的生活产生重大的影响,这是多么不明智!殊不知熟读手中的「生命之书」---圣经,不仅可认识真神,还能得着丰盛的生命。
主的话句句真理, 世上财宝无法比; 藉着信心能得到, 就在祷告读经里。D. De Haan
***************************************************************************************************** Trivial Pursuits
Read:2 Peter 1:1-4 His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness. —2 Peter 1:3
Bible In One Year: Joshua 1-3
A number of years ago I was in the library of a prestigious university. As I walked among the bookshelves, I happened to pass by a row of small cubicles set aside for study and spied a student reading a Bugs Bunny comic book. I almost laughed out loud. Here was a young man surrounded by the wisdom of the ages, yet immersed in childish trivia.
There's nothing wrong with comic books, and all of us need occasional respite from study, but some of us never get beyond trivial pursuits. Books, magazines, and other media are the preoccupation and primary influence in our lives. How foolish! We have in our hands the Word of Life—the Book that tells us how to know God and live abundantly.
The greatest cause for our neglect of the Bible is not lack of time but lack of heart. Someone else's word is taking the place of the Word of Christ. There are many good books and magazines to read, but we must not neglect the mysteries of God's grace and love that are written on every page of the Bible. That's where we find everything we need for "life and godliness" (2 Peter 1:3).
Ask God to give you a desire for His Word and a hunger to taste His goodness every day. —David Roper
How rich the truths within God's Word— What gems beyond compare! By faith we can discover them When study joins with prayer. —D. De Haan
It is an awesome responsibility to own a Bible.