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[PPC][其他] Spb Pocket Plus 4.0.1 beta 2 (免費看)

Requirements: WM2003, WM5, WM6
The Microsoft distinguished service pack with the most awaited features missed in the original Windows Mobile. Get the most from your Pocket PC with this top-selling award winning software
Spb Pocket Plus for wm3,wm5 and wm6 is the most powerful Today plug-in with tabs. The close button really closes out of running programs, the file explorer contains ZIP file support, and new buttons allow users to assign hard keys to additional commands. Advanced Internet Explorer buttons are installed, including new window support and a view source feature. Spb Pocket Plus also adds a safe mode feature to your device to restart safely if the device is experiencing problems.

download here for English version :


http://www.spbsoftwarehouse.com/downloads/po ..

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[ 此文章被1530在2007-10-27 02:27重新編輯 ]


獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣和信超媒體寬帶網 | Posted:2007-10-27 02:20 |

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