
[語錄] 佛光法語
不當看的不看,否則會看出煩惱來; 不當聽的不聽,否則會聽出痛苦來; 不當問的不問,否則會問出是非來; 不當做的不做,否則會做出問題來。 Do not see what you should not see; it will trouble you. Do not hear what you should not hear; it will trouble you. Do not ask what you should not ask; it will trouble you. Do not do what you should not do; it will trouble you.
見人善行要多方讚美, 見人迷惑要多方提醒, 見人推崇要多方奮勉, 見人毀謗要多方警惕。 Commend others when they do good. Remind others when they are deluded. Work harder when others are promoted. Be alert when others are slandered.
一花一木都有生命; 一山一水都有生機; 一人一事都有道理; 一舉一動都有因果。 Every tree and flower has a purpose. Every mountain and stream has a place. Every occasion has a reason. Every cause has an effect.
生活艱難時,要面對它; 生活辛苦時,要體驗它; 生活清閒時,要計畫它; 生活滿足時,要享受它。 When life is hard, face it. When life is pain, learn from it. When life is easy, plan for hard times. When life is pleasing, enjoy it.
忘記自我利益,是聖人; 擺脫私人利益,是偉人; 看重自己利益,是凡人; 忽略別人利益,是小人。 The sage is indifferent to his interests. The hero cares for others' interests. The empty man is devoted to his interests. The scoundrel disdains others' interests.
人有享不到的福,沒有受不了的苦; 人要做正人君子,不要做消極好人。 If you cannot be lucky, at least you can learn to tolerate the intolerable. Be truly righteous, not a phony.
用體諒的心對待親情, 用結緣的心對待友情, 用淨化的心對待愛情, 用尊重的心對待道情。 Honor your family and kin. Make affinity with friends. Love with a pure mind. Respect fellow devotees of the Buddha.
智者以知,了解一切;仁者以愛,包容一切; 勇者以義,犧牲一切;忠者以誠,奉獻一切。 Wise people understand by their wisdom. Good people tolerate out of love. Brave people sacrifice out of courage. Loyal people are faithful out of devotion.
不滿足的人,找不到安樂椅; 不惜福的人,找不到聚寶盆。 The discontented will never find rest. The dissatisfied will never be rewarded.
人生中,每一次的經驗都是前進的基石; 生命裏,每一次的成敗都是未來的借鏡。 Every experience is a footstep into the future. Every failure or success is a glimpse into the future..