WisBar Advance 4 beta6Requirements: WM2003-6.5
Overview: WisBar Advance 3 expands upon the successful task management features found in the WisBar Advance 2.

Included in WisBar Advance 3 is the ability to customize your running applications to a degree not seen in other programs.
Utilizing a smaller memory footprint from previous versions, WisBarAdvance 3 keeps your device running as fast as possible, leaving morememory available for any application you may use.
WisBar Advance 3 also brings new life to your PocketPC with the abilityto change the appearance of your system to a degree not matched inother software.
Here are some key features of "WisBar Advance":
· Uses a smaller memory footprint than WisBar Advance 2
· Customize the close button, the screen orientation and the SIP on a per-application basis
· Switch between any application currently running on your device
· Provides a cascading start menu (as in the screenshot)
· Tap and hold the OK button to cancel a dialog
· Add or remove functions to the taskbar
· Each button on the taskbar can be assigned a tap and a tap-and-hold action
· Place shortcuts in the system tray for easier access from the Today screen
· Customize a "User Menu" with applications of your choosing
· Change the appearance of the taskbar, menubar, buttons and start menu in any program
· Supports QVGA and VGA devices
· Customize the clock's appearance on the taskbar
· Hear sounds for system events, just like on your desktop
· Download and install themes created by other people
Version 4 beta6· Fixed the "Switch Task" action so that it properly supports the TouchFlo/SenseUI window.
· Fixed a bug where the network icon did not update to reflect the correct connection status.
· Fixed a problem where the signal strength icon did not update to reflect the correct connection status.
· Added support for phones with multiple SIM cards.
· Made a change to better detect the signal strength on CDMA phones.
· Made the start panel completely finger friendly.
· Made a change to help prevent crashing while using TouchFlo or SenseUI.
· Renamed the Plasma engine to Aurora so that it can coexist with WisBar Advance 3.
· Made a change so that the Aurora engine could be safely removed from memory when the program terminates.
· Made a change so that the menu and messagebox images are correctly loaded.
· Temporarily disabled the Today screen softkey hiding as well as the system tray hiding.
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