
[PPC][其他] CPU超频 nueOverClockTest v1.3 | for PPC 英文测试版
由No2Chem开发,名为nueOverClockTest的小工具,能够对Qualcomm处理器进行超频。它声称能把HTC TouchPro的处理器提升到768MHz,十分厉害。近日,这软件终于公开下载,用家们可以在自己的Windows Mobile上试试。 然而当中也有不少要注意的地方,例如MSM72xx系列的机款未能顺利超频,可能会发生自动重新启动或死机等问题,而超频亦会令电池不稳定。这个版本只是实验版本,使用后的效果也各异。当然要超频就要承受相当的风险,有胆量的朋友,可以安装。 nueOverClockTest is a simple utility to test how your device overclocks– its just a test version, so the usual disclaimers apply. I'll notethese things so far: (1) MSM72xx devices do not overclock well. Usual behavior is auto-restart, or lockup. (2) Overclock seems to be stable on AC, but not stable on battery.Seems to be PMIC related, so I'll have to work on a way to get thatworking. (3) Might be possible to pull one of the backup PLLs down a bit, so I'll have to look into that (4) This is nowhere near a final version, expect more configuration options etc. I was deciding whether to make this a donator only release, but I'vedecided against it for now, seeing as it seems really popular and I'vebeen getting a bit of inquiries about it. However, nueOverClockTest isdonationware, so please, please consider donating if you like the workyou are seeing and want to see it worked on more.. I have to somehowallocate money between buying a TP2, paying hospital bills, rent andother expenses so any donation would be really appreciated.
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