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Zigzap 手机
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推文 x0 鲜花 x209
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推文 x0
[心得分享] 最新6种勒索病毒NotPetya/Petya/Petna/SortaPetya/Petwap/GEl防毒疫苗的写法
这四种已经有疫苗了NotPetya/Petya/Petna/SortaPetya/Petwap/GoldenEyes,打开记事本 ;

把下列代码贴上储存为  (( 疫苗.BAT ))批次档 :

@echo off
REM Administrative check from here: [b]这里www.stackoverflow.com/questions/4051883/batch-script-how-to-check-for-admin-rights[/b]

REM Vaccination discovered by twitter.com/0xAmit/status/879778335286452224

REM Batch file created by Lawrence Abrams of BleepingComputer.com. @bleepincomputer@lawrenceabrams

echo Administrative permissions required.
 Detecting permissions...
net session >nul 2>&1
if %errorLevel% == 0
        if exist C:\Windows\perfc
echo Computer already vaccinated for NotPetya/Petya/Petna/SortaPetya.
) else
echo This is a NotPetya/Petya/Petna/SortaPetya Vaccination file. Do not remove as it protects you from being encrypted by Petya. 
> C:\Windows\perfc
echo This is a NotPetya/Petya/Petna/SortaPetya Vaccination file. Do not remove as it protects you from being encrypted by Petya. 

> C:\Windows\perfc.dll
echo This is a NotPetya/Petya/Petna/SortaPetya Vaccination file. Do not remove as it protects you from being encrypted by Petya. 

> C:\Windows\perfc.dat
attrib +R C:\Windows\perfc
attrib +R C:\Windows\perfc.dll
attrib +R C:\Windows\perfc.dat
echo Computer vaccinated for current version of NotPetya/Petya/Petna/SortaPetya.
echo Failure: You must run this batch file as Administrator.


[ 此文章被Zigzap在2017-07-18 19:52重新编辑 ]

Don't lavish time upon ur pleasure,meanwhile unless Q&A is significant so we can discuss briefly within heart & soul.
献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾新世纪资通股份有限公司 | Posted:2017-07-09 01:15 |
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推文 x0 鲜花 x1
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献花 x0 回到顶端 [1 楼] From:未知地址 | Posted:2017-07-15 07:01 |
Zigzap 手机
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级别: 小人物 该用户目前不上站
推文 x0 鲜花 x209
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会产生3个perfc perfc.dll perfc.dat唯读档
在C:\Windows\ 目录下......就不会中毒了 表情

Don't lavish time upon ur pleasure,meanwhile unless Q&A is significant so we can discuss briefly within heart & soul.
献花 x0 回到顶端 [2 楼] From:台湾新世纪资通股份有限公司 | Posted:2017-07-18 19:36 |

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