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[驅動][顯示卡] ATI Catalyst™ 9.2 Display Driver 釋出!!
版本名稱:Catalyst 9.2
下載位置: http://game.amd.com/us-en/...alyst.aspx




Performance Improvements

Catalyst(TM) 9.2 brings performance benefits in several cases where framerates are CPU-limited. Some measured examples are:
‧Crysis DX10 gains up to 20%
‧Crysis Warhead DX10 gains up to 20%
‧World in Conflict gains up to 5%

Resolved Issues for the Windows Vista Operating System

This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst(TM) Software Suite for Windows Vista.
These include:
‧Catalyst Control Center now enables Anisotropic Filtering for DirectX 10 applications.
‧Resolved Catalyst Control Center displaying the following warning message The Catalyst Control Center is not supported by the driver version.”
‧Catalyst Control Center, Display Manager correctly shows connected monitor maximum refresh rates
‧Catalysts Control Center, component video pixel format settings are retained on system restart
‧Minor screen corruption no longer occurs at the top left of some Samsung panels when connected to ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics
‧In Call of Duty 4, some intermittent game corruption no longer occurs when soften smoke edges is enabled
‧Resinstalling the display driver using the INF method on a multi-display (ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2, Radeon HD 3870) system does not cause the operating system to fail
‧Resolved minor flickering in the playback of a Blu-ray title that may be noticed when moving to the extended desktop
‧Catalyst Control Center, Crossfire Overdrive, changing the GPU Clock and Memory Clock from the default settings no longer causes a failure in the Test Custom Clocks test
‧With Anti-Alias enabled Doom3 no longer intermittently fails to start on some Crossfire systems
‧Enemy Territory: Quake Wars corruption observed in the globe in the main menu no longer occurs
‧The display driver no longer fails to load on some systems with more than 8GB of system RAM
‧Catalyst Control Center, some HDMI monitor are not longer incorrectly reported back as DVI
‧Resolved video displaying in black and white when playing back high bitrate AVCHD files
‧Playing back some Blu-ray content with video acceleration disabled on Cyberlink Power DVD_Cinema no longer results in no video rendering
‧Fixed H.264 videos not rendering (black video) when Closed Captioning was enabled
‧Overlay Theater Mode now enables with a component video or composite video in extended modes
‧Playing some Blu-ray DVD titles on PowerDVD no longer shows the lower portion of the player window intermittently appear shaky when playing Special Features
‧Some video shake is no longer observed when fast forwarding with certain Blue-ray titles
‧Resolved intermittent system instability with catalyst 8.12 and some ATI Radeon HD 4800 CrossFire configurations
‧Video tearing no longer noticed when playing back some DVD titles on WinDVD with all hardware acceleration options enabled
‧Creating any type of an OpenGL 3.0 context (normal or forward compatible) and then requesting the version string no longer causes the driver to stop responding
‧The OS is no longer unstable while running auto-tune when Crossfire is enabled

Resolved Issues for the Windows XP Operating System

This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst(TM) Software Suite for Windows XP.
These include:
‧System instabilities no longer happens after mode switching in extended mode while playing some copy protected DVDs
‧Catalyst Control Center, CrossFire option can no longer be toggled on/off during playback of video on a CrossFire enabled system
‧Creating any type of an OpenGL 3.0 context (normal or forward compatible) and then requesting the version string no longer causes the driver to stop responding
‧With Overlay Theater Mode and stretched desktop enabled, dragging media player to extended desktop no longer shows corruption or causes system instability
‧High CPU usage and choppy playback issues have been resolved during Blu-ray playback on WinDVD 9
‧Catalysts Control Center, component video pixel format settings are now retained on system restart

Known Issues Under the Windows Vista Operating System

This section provides information on known issues that may be experienced under the Windows Vista operating system with the latest version of Catalyst(TM).
These include:
‧AVIVO converter may fail to convert h.264 avi video to another format
‧“Unsupported file formats” error message dialog may occur when selecting H.264,.mp4 and VC1 file formats
‧“CCC Host application...” error message dialog may occur when cancelling a transcoding process
‧Output media file size differs after transcoding multiple times to the same format
‧Catalyst Control Center, advanced color page is grayed out and preview is blank on some Radeon ASICS
‧Drop frames may be noticed when playing interlaced DVD content
‧The ATI AVIVO video transcoder does not currently use GPU acceleration under Windows Vista 64-bit edition
‧Catalyst Control Center: error message dialog 'CCC Host Application' may be displayed when cancelling a transcoding process

Known Issues Under the Windows XP Operating System

The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced under the Windows XP operating system in the latest version of Catalyst(TM).
These include:
‧Transcoding a VOB DVD file (18min source file) results in 2.27min output file
‧Transcoding falls back to CPU after transcoding to DVD/ MPEG2 multiple times in XP
‧Media files transcoded using CPU instead of GPU in XP MCE OS
‧AVIVO Video color settings may fail to be applied in the video when played using PowerDVD
‧Mode switching while playing videos with WinDVD7 may cause the video color to become darker

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣 | Posted:2009-02-21 08:16 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:韓國漢城 | Posted:2015-01-23 10:21 |

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