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[哈啦] 北橫悲歌





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[ 此文章被春風少年兄在2008-10-28 13:57重新編輯 ]

獻花 x4 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣固網股份有限公司 | Posted:2008-10-28 04:35 |
耗耗 會員卡
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級別: 小有名氣 該用戶目前不上站
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要愛護大自然喔! 表情
Earth Song(地球之歌)-Michael Jackson(麥克傑克遜)
What about sunrise 日出呢
What about rain 雨呢
What about all the things 還有你說過
That you said we were to gain... 我們會得到的一切呢......
What about killing fields 土地在減少呢
Is there a time 有沒有結束的時候
what about the things 還有你說過
That you said was yours and mine... 屬於你和我的一切呢......
Did you ever stop to notice 你是不是忘了
All the blood we've shed before 我們曾揮灑下的血汗
Did you ever stop to notice 你有沒有看到
The crying Earth the weeping shores? 地球在流淚海岸在哭泣
Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊--------
What have we done to the world 我們對世界做錯了什麽
Look what we've done 看看我們做錯了什麽吧
What about all the peace 還有你向獨子許諾過的
That you pledge your only son... 一切和平呢
What about flowering fields 鮮花遍布的田野呢
Is there a time 有沒有結束的時候
What about all the dreams 還有你說過
That you said was yours and mine... 屬於你和我的所有夢想呢
Did you ever stop to notice 你是不是忘了
All the children dead from war 戰爭中死去的那些孩子
Did you ever stop to notice 你有沒有看到
The crying Earth the weeping shores? 地球在流淚海岸在哭泣
Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊-----------
I used to dream 我曾經夢想
I used to glance beyond the stars 我曾經遙望群星之上
Now I don't know where we are 如今不知我們身在何方
Although I know we've drifted for 盡管我明白我們漂泊了太遠
Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊-----------
Hey,what about yesterday (what about us) 嘿,昨天呢(我們呢)
What about the seas (what about us) 海洋呢
The heavens are falling down (what about us) 天堂跌落
I can't even breathe (what about us) 我不能呼吸
What about the bleeding Earth (what about us) 流血的地球呢
Can't we feel its wounds (what about us) 我們難道不能感受到它的傷痕
What about nature'worth (ooo,ooo) 寶貴的自然呢
It's our planet's womb (what about us) 那是我們地球的孕育地
What about animals (what about us) 動物呢
We've turned kingdoms to dust (what about us) 我們把他們的王國化爲灰燼
What about elephants (what about us) 大象呢
Have we lost their trust (what about us) 我們是不是已失去它們的信任
What about crying whales (what about us) 鯨魚呢
We're ravaging the seas (what about us) 我們汙染了海洋
What about forest trails (ooo,ooo) 森林小徑呢
Burnt despite our please (what about us) 給我們違心的燒毀了
What about the holy land (what about us) 神聖的土地呢
Tron apart by creed (what about us) 被四分五裂了
What about the common man (what about us) 普通人呢
Can't we set him free (what about us) 我們可以給予他自由嗎
What about children dying (what about us) 奄奄一息的孩子呢
Can't you hear them cry (what about us) 你有沒有聽到他們的哭聲
Where did we go wrong (ooo,ooo) 我們走錯了何方
Someone tell me why (what about us) 有沒有人告訴我原因
What about babies (what about us) 嬰兒呢
What about the days (what about us) 歲月呢
What about all their joy (what about us) 他們所有的歡樂呢
What about the man (what about us) 人類呢
What about the crying man (what about us) 哭喊的人們呢
What about Abraham (what about us) 亞伯拉罕呢
What about death again (ooo,ooo) 再問一次,死亡呢
Do we give a damn 我們有沒有注意
Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊----------

[ 此文章被howhow在2008-10-28 07:00重新編輯 ]


獻花 x1 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:臺灣中華電信 | Posted:2008-10-28 06:52 |
greenjay 手機 會員卡
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卻從不改過... 表情

獻花 x1 回到頂端 [2 樓] From: | Posted:2008-10-28 08:14 |
wgby 會員卡
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不是早就反撲了嗎= =
沒看每次都有土石流= = 表情

獻花 x1 回到頂端 [3 樓] From:臺灣中華HiNet | Posted:2008-10-28 09:16 |
greenjay 手機 會員卡
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級別: 小有名氣 該用戶目前不上站
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下面是引用wgby於2008-10-28 09:16發表的 :
不是早就反撲了嗎= =
沒看每次都有土石流= = 表情

原來你這麼會撲就是因為水土保持沒做好 表情

獻花 x1 回到頂端 [4 樓] From:臺灣中華電信HINET | Posted:2008-10-28 12:24 |
(。◠‿◠。) 會員卡
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最可怕的是人心的腐壞!! 表情

獻花 x2 回到頂端 [5 樓] From:臺灣中華電信 | Posted:2008-10-28 12:25 |
個人文章 個人相簿 個人日記 個人地圖
級別: 初露鋒芒 該用戶目前不上站
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很多場景都讓人覺得心痛...... 表情

獻花 x1 回到頂端 [6 樓] From:臺灣固網公司 | Posted:2008-10-28 13:51 |
rmdk123 手機
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級別: 小人物 該用戶目前不上站
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心痛 表情

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [7 樓] From:臺灣 | Posted:2008-10-28 14:32 |

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