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[晴天][快樂] Staff-less Library Open at MRT Station
(Taipei Times)
The first "Staff-less" library located at a Mass Rapid Transit(MRT)
station opened yesterday evening, offering about 15000 books targeted at teenagers
and MRT commuters.

The "Ximen Open Book Smart Library" at the Ximen MRT station is the island's second
staff-less library; the Taipei Public Library set up a pilot library in Neihu's Carrefour store in July of last year.

The staff-less computer-operated library employs a radio frequency identification(RFID)
system and a self check-in and check-out system, allowing residents to enter the library by inserting an RFID library card, scan the book and take a receipt from the computer, and return the book by dropping it off in a library return box.


獻花 x5 回到頂端 [樓 主] From: | Posted:2006-07-20 16:29 |

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