香港 David: 星期四 23 六月, 2011 08:14
I suggest you do more research on this because having used Toucam and DBK cameras, I will never go back to Toucam.
You will never expect the performance to improve in scale with the cost for any telescope or accessories. Also, how good a picture is can vary a lot between different people. I suggest you make up your own opinion by looking at different pictures by different cameras.
Also, for die-hard moon photographers, we use monochrome camera like DMK41 rather than DBK41. Of course, the DMK will not work with planets unless you use RGB filters.
Also, I consider DMK31 to be better than DMK41 because it is a better compromise between CCD size and frame rate.
MANDII : 星期四 23 六月, 2011 11:16我刚刚也做了功课,查到资料香港有得卖,都挺方便打个电话便买得到,DMK41和DBK41价钱差不多,也要个5000来元。 另DAVID前辈你提到还得分mono和非mono彩色版之别,这点也要非常谨慎才行。 Touch cam 可能就4,5百块。基本上我也觉得DBK,DMK这些都是最好的选择,在这个拍月拍行星方面,不可能不比toucam 好。