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引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2010-12-31 11:50
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相機廠牌型號:DSI I
望遠鏡 / 鏡頭:MIZAR 4" Newtonian / 焦距: 600mm
曝 光 時 間: x =
拍 攝 日 期:any
拍 攝 地 點:HK


Header-> 自制家用天文台 --- MANDII ( HONG KONG )
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                 天望坐标式追踪,观察山上的 [果实,鸟巢 ,密蜂巢和奇花异草] HONG KONG

<< 月球表面地形观察照片图综合列表 >>

环形山名称_地图环形山号码 观察1 |观察2 . .|观察N

2.照片内容: 包含放大了的实物照片和相应的地形地图剪辑,合拼成一张照片图,方便对照之用。以及器材拍摄资料。

阿基米德 Archimedes_228:2010/08/19_22:10_(East,40,55%)_NO.5
BULLIALDUS: 2011/01/15 23:15_(West,60 70%)_No.11
克劳默特 Cleomede _19 : 2010/05/17 19:40_(West,45,20%)_NO.1
哥白尼 Copernicus_223 : 2010/06/22 20:05_(East,70,65%)_NO.3
郎格尔努斯 Langrenus_78 : 2010/05/18 20:00_(West,45,23%)_NO.2
雨海 Mare Imbrium : 2010/10/22 20:00_(East,65 100%)_No.8
 Mare Nectaris : 2011/01/10 21:45_(West,30 20%)_No.10
波西杜尼斯 Posidonius_15: 2010/08/27 22:45_(East,40,85%)_NO.6
第谷 Tycho_176 : 2010/06/22 20:05_(East,70,65%)_NO.4

比利牛斯山脉 : 2010/09/16_22:48_(SW ,30,55%)_NO.7

月上树梢: 2010/10/23_19:00_(East , 15 , 100%)_NO.9

Total 11 objects 11 observations

Created on 2010 / 05 / 09
Updated on 2011 / 01/15

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2010-12-31 11:52
No.8 )

So the wind last night had passed and left .
I had found a chance to take a moon photo last night .
It's the Mare Imbrium , a large oceanic area on the moon .
You can check several apparent areas as well from the moon map I provided , I had bold it in Red blocks .

TheFOV of this picture ( DSI plus 2X barlow ) this time is about 12" ,according to the indication on the moon map software . Starting fromnow, I can use this software to physically measure the FOV of anytelescope imaging system . And I can even measure the distance betweentwo points on the moon directly . In the old time , I can onlycalculate ( i.e. estimate ) the FOV , but now I can measure it directlyand PHYSICALLY with the help of the actual moon crators , this is veryimportant to me .

I am not using a web cam this time indeed .
282 flames is collected in about 5 minutes from DSI .
Comparingto webcam , Just several second can be collected for such number offlames in a video format . The shorter the time , the less therequirement from the mount's tracking . So DSI surely can cause moreshifting in image than the web cam . However , such image shifting canbe recovered easily from any image-process software . And DSI is moresensitive than my ordinary web cam , ( even the price is moreexspensive ) , thus , I may use DSI to take moon photo in future , andtotally replace the use of a web cam . Because DSI is more generic inmy situation .

Clear skies everybody .

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2010-12-31 11:54

It's long time no take an astro picture ,
cause recently not always stay at home .
Tonight , I come to take a picture of Archimedes .
Ipick up the moon map , nevigate the moon surface for nearly 15 minutes. And center the eyepiece after I can locate the Archimedes . Then useweb cam to shoot it . Finally make the picture by Registax software .

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2010-12-31 11:55
NO.1 )

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2010-12-31 11:56
No.6 )

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2010-12-31 11:57
No.9 )

The moon is rising up the hill , behind a tree .
This moment leaves silently and fastly .

Thepicture was shooted at 7:00p.m tonight , within less than 10 secondstime . I focus on the tree , and let the moon become a bluredbackground .

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2010-12-31 11:58

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2010-12-31 11:59

Last night the moon was very bright , actually not a good time to take a image ,atmosphere was not stable as well .

Thistime I tried my new bought 1.25" 2X barlow together with the web cam .Previously I had failed to capture a good 3X barlow image , cause toobig magnification for my 4" telescope and blur the image indeed . Butthis time with 2X barlow , the image is still acceptable . I amsatisfield with this cheap price Barlow very much .

This timethe target is the "比利牛斯" mountain chain , the BillyNews mountain chain. You can also see some nearby crators , and such magnification is justenough for me , compared with those taken previously without the barlow

Finally, this time I write my report on the next day of observation night . Sothat I can have plenty of time to prepare a better image . Before Ididn't pay too much attention on the image processing indeed , cause Idon't have much time to try on the night time . So,this morning I amfree in office and try more on the software REGISTAX . I found it hasgood tools to make the image better and sharper . That's a good andneat software .

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-01-10 23:05

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-01-16 00:15

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-03-13 23:15

RIMA HADLEY : 2011/03/13 22:00_(West,60 50%)_No.12
DSI-I(0.08s X 200)

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-03-14 22:04

RIMA HADLEY : 2011/03/13 22:00_(West,60 50%)_No.12 |2011/03/14 21:00_(West,80 60%)_No.13

ORION 6"/F5 Newtonian
Self modify web cam ( 1016 flames)

Observe : 2011/03/14 9:00p.m

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-03-21 16:02


我的第一个目标是 Rupes Recta .
该图区的视场是11' , 和我现在用web cam 或者DSI要差不多,DSI加 2x barlow 能达到12‘, web cam 就不用加barlow 都有12'了。我不知道我现在的器材能不能解像到那条Rupes Recta的裂纹,试试看。

计划即时生效 !


English version :
My next target is Rupa Recta .
There is a crack line on the moon map .
The moon map of Rupa Recta is prepared well right now , FOV around 12' , as shown .

So next time I need to find it out this target , and move it to center of the FOV , and take image of it . It's totally different to what I did currently , currently I choose any object to shoot it , no target actually . So it will be much more challenging because I need to shoot the ONE and ONLY ONE target on my next time observation .

Let's see it , For the moment I am not sure my equipment can resolve the crack line of Rupa Recta .


獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 aa
2011-03-21 16:14
下面是引用 MANDII 於 2011-03-21 16:02 發表的 : 到引言文


獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-03-21 17:36
我只是偶尔在月图上发现这个位置有一条裂痕,它叫”Rupes Recta" , 我觉得很特别,不清楚有没有人拍过它。

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-04-12 10:31
NO.14 )

RUPES RECTA : 2011/04/11 21:00_(West ,60,30%)_NO.13

作晚的Rupes Recta是在月相的阴影地区,它的位置是在图中白线标记那里 。
100倍放大的目镜里,月面非常的清晰,就是太暗没法找到Rupes Recta , 改日再来找找看。  

Orion 6" Newtonian
web cam ( 66 张)

Observe : 2011/04/11 

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-04-13 23:43
NO.15 )

RUPES RECTA : 2011/04/11 21:00_(West ,60,30%)_NO.14 |2011/04/13 22:00_(West ,50,70%)_NO.15

今晚再来一次 RUPES RECTA , 就在图正中间有个很明显的坑,再靠右边约2厘米有3个小坑那里,水平穿过第一和第二个小坑.

Orion 6" Newtonian
web cam ( 1055 张)

Observe : 2011/04/15

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 aa
2011-04-14 19:40
下面是引用 MANDII 於 2011-04-13 23:43 發表的 : 到引言文
NO.15 )

RUPES RECTA : 2011/04/11 21:00_(West ,60,30%)_NO.14 |2011/04/13 22:00_(West ,50,70%)_NO.15

今晚再来一次 RUPES RECTA , 就在图正中间有个很明显的坑,再靠右边约2厘米有3个小坑那里,水平穿过第一和第二个小坑.

Orion 6" Newtonian
web cam ( 1055 张)

Observe : 2011/04/15


獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-04-15 10:22
Thank you aa  表情

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-04-16 11:41
今日台湾网上看到有人拍这个位置,中文不知叫什么,英文是Villas Apes .
这图视场是12" ,和我的web cam 差不多了,下个目标也拍拍看。

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-04-19 14:06

过去只有月面图,而要观察的目标是很盲目的,就是在月图上看看那里自己觉得好看,比较特别的景点,然后就按月图来进行观察。今日得到香港天文论坛里的一位资深天文观察前辈 Mr.David 的重要信息,现在可收集了更进一步的一些比较有名的月球景点资料库。这景点库就是Charles Wood's list of Lunar 100 http://www.astrospider.com/Lunar100list.htm

这景点库里有100个,我想日后就按这100个景点进行观察,配合现有的月面地图,预先在月面地图中找到所要观察的景点,定好月面地图的视场(一般是12分角,随器材改动),目标位置(正常是正中心),和影像旋转角度(按牛反镜的特定方向)后,再打印月图进行观察,进行目视和拍摄,而观察的记录照片必需和原来月图的视场,位置以及影像旋转角度一致 。

我先按现在的月面观察情况来估算,一个月有一倆晚观察,一倆张的作品照片,那么最小50个月就能拍完这100个景点。也就说,光这景点库都已经能维持最小4年的天文观察乐趣了,而且是按目前的器材来算。过去是担心没天气观察,没什么好观察的天文素材,使天文的路很难走得下去,而自己又付出了那么多的心血,实在是有一点儿叹息。可现在很大程度上克服了这个问题 ! 克服了一个最基本最基础的问题 !。

计划即日生效 !


David 前辈的留言 :  星期一 18 四月, 2011 13:41  
This was a very poor pic taken a few years ago by me.

The moon is a wonderful target. In the last week or so I took out my 18" for many times, not for saturn because it is almost the same everyday, but for the moon. Last thursday, just me and an ex-student were observing and we spent more than 2 hours just on the moon. (Of course, the moon looked stunning in 18" at around 540x with Ethos 3.7.)

It is a shame that many people don't apprecipate the moon but it is easy to see why. There are so many targets that can look very similar, and one easily get lost. A good place to start is Charles Wood's list of Lunar 100:

For those who have apple products, 'Moon Globe' is a wonderful app to download which is useful when using on the field. I frequently use it to demonstrate to my students what they are looking at and what they can pay particular attention to. Using this on iPad would be wonderful.

MANDII : 星期一 18 四月, 2011 17:53
什么 ! 那张是你拍的呀??!!
好利害呀!!好清晰的rupes recta .
And thanks for your information on how to enjoy the moon , as well .

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-04-19 14:07
Cloudy Nights and US Astronomy :
<<A New highway to go on moon observation>>

This is my new plan on the comming at least 4 years time to engoy the moon in a practical ,sophistical way . In my past two years of astro activity , the local weather is not really good enough for advance types of astro-observation . Advance observation seems to be a bit too ideal in sense in my situation .Looking at the real fact in front of me , I decided to go on a way that is more sophistic , and more long lasting observation activity . That is : To collect the moon scenic spots into pictures in my comming years . That would be most probably one of my way to fully use my telescope , and the most basic way to enjoy the astronomy , under bad weathers ,and under probably even more bad weathers in the comming years of time .

There is 100 good scenic spots on the ground of moon in database of Charles Wood's list of Lunar 100 Lunar 100 . This is a good database I had found a long time for .With the help of Charles database , plus my current moon map software , I can prepare the target location map before the observation night . Fix down the map FOV( normally 12" under my telescope & camera ) , the target position and image rotation before observation .And take a picture of the certain sopts by the same FOV , position and image rotation during the observation nights .

According my current moon observation situation , one months I got 1 or 2 moon pictures , so I can enjoy the astronomy by the Charles database for at least 50 months or 4 years of time .

Plan come true Today !


獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-05-11 23:04
NO.16 )

Vallis Alpes : 2011/05/11 21:30_(West ,60,60%)_NO.16
4月16日预定的位置,Vallis Alpes 月蹊。

Orion 6" Newtonian
web cam ( 1011 张)

Orion 6" Newtonian
2X barlow
web cam ( 986 张)

Observe : 2011/05/11

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-05-16 10:27
Plan_03 )

The previous two completed planning objects were Straight wall/Rupes Recta and Villas Alpes .This is my third observation plan on moon .I give an index no. "Plan_03" to it , such that it can be linked together with it's actual observation report latter . From now on , I will plan the objects according to the charles wood lunar 100 , as I had said last month .

Object : CLAVIUS
Type : Walled plain
Plan date : 2011/05/16 10:01a.m
Charles Wood picture referenece : http://www.astrospider.com/Lunar_100/L09_Clavius.htm

Description :
The type of CLAVIUS is a walled plain , according information . It's near to Tycho and on the upper side of it . And there is numerous craterlets on a such large flat floor , forming an arc chain . For me , this area is clean and clear , good place to have a visit there , let me try it !

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-05-23 12:46
Plan_04 )

Type : RILLE
Plan date : 2011/05/23 12:33a.m
Charles Wood picture referenece : www.astrospider.com/images/moon/L17_040501.jpg

Description :
This is a remarkable Rille .

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-06-10 12:40

TexasRed : 06/08/11 08:15 AM from Texas

Can anyone recommend a good map of the moon oriented like the view in my dob? Or a good book for getting started in exploring the moon?

MANDII : 06/09/11 09:55 PM
Well , this is a good topic to talk about .
In my idea , in order a moon map can be used by all kinds of telescope , and all it's pointing direction , it should have 3 kinds of views . Flip E-W , N-S inverted and most importantly it can be rotated to any angle . If anybody know this kind of software( I mean it can be rotated ) , pls teach me and thankful . We need to use software of moon map , not a copy of paper , because we can do many things in computer , like searching the crators by it's name , zooming view , taking picture of crators , or etc ... So a software of moon map is better and much more convienient than just a paper of map .

Why it depands on pointing direction ? In my actual usage of a newtonian scope for a long time , I found that the pointing direction of a DOB , newtonian scope ,except the refractor type scope , can cause the image in an eyepiece , to rotate to some angle . You can easily discover this image feature when you test even a fixed territoral building with a newtonian scope .

The image in eyepeice rotates clockwisely or anti-clockwisely , when your newtonian scope is pointed at different direction or angle . Of course in this test you have to locate the telescope in different position on the ground , such that the same buiding in different pointing direction , can be seen .

simpleisbetter : 06/09/11 10:10 PM from Republic, MO
As for software always being better and more convenient than a paper atlas, I'm not certain I completely agree. But if that flexiblity in software is what you're looking for, then download and install Virtual Moon Atlas. I run it, but I still prefer Rukl, the Lunar Field Atlas, or NASA maps.


MANDII : 06/09/11 10:28 PM
Steve , I am using it , the virtual moon atlas , but it cannot be rotated . If you like paper , you can print it out from the that software at the time of observation .

Using computer has defintely another advantage , I am doing this kind of thing recently indeed . The advantage is : The observation can be planned in computer ! Before you are going to observe an object on the ground of a moon ( e.g crators ), you can do some kind of preparation . The preparation help you find an object more easily . You just save the picture that shows the nearby region of your target object . Or print it out in an paper . Or just save it as an picture to view in a computer display . And use it during the observing night . It save you much of the time at the observing night .

This is my thread for all your reference :

simpleisbetter : 06/09/11 11:40 PM
Hi Mandii,

Maybe I'm not following you in what you mean by it can't be rotated. If you switch to the Tools tab to the right of the screen (see atch pix), in the middle of that tab section you will see a block for rotation. You can select both default orientation and direction of rotation. It's always worked for me. Now, I will say I've noticed that when you switch to eyepiece view, it seems to want to reset to default orientation, but once eyepiece view is turned on you can simply rotate it until it matches your FOV in the eyepiece. I hope that helps.


Robert70 : 06/09/11 11:46 PM from Lunar Map Pro. Always there..anyway you like it.

DarkSkys :06/09/11 11:53 PM from In the dark desert of Eastern ...
I kow this is kinda Off topic, but are there any free Printable moon atlases? I thought I had on old Nat geo magizine one, but I cant find it.

simpleisbetter : 06/09/11 11:58 PM from Republic, MO
Sure, they would be the Lunar Field Atlas & Photographic Moon Book I mentioned in a couple different posts earlier in the thread. Here are the links again.

Lunar Field Atlas.
Alan Chu's Photographic Moon Book

MANDII : 06/10/11 12:09 AM
WOW steve !! It works !
I had tested it just now .
Ha ha , I was not really able to use this software ,though I had used it nearly half years of time . Really tricky you are . And thanks much of that important and very USEFUL skill for me .

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 aa
2011-06-17 09:34
下面是引用 MANDII 於 2011-05-11 23:04 發表的 : 到引言文
NO.16 )
Vallis Alpes : 2011/05/11 21:30_(West ,60,60%)_NO.16
4月16日预定的位置,Vallis Alpes 月蹊。


這個 Vallis Alpes 拍的好清楚..表情

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-06-17 14:59
呵, thank you .

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 aa
2011-06-17 15:39
下面是引用 MANDII 於 2011-06-17 14:59 發表的 : 到引言文
呵, thank you .

對了,你是用 DSI I 拍的嗎?

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MANDII
2011-06-18 09:59
有的照片也有用DSI拍,会在贴里写清楚DSI的拍摄参数 。
如果贴里是标明web cam的,那就是这部摄像头。
aa 兄于论坛里的天文作品之多,张张都有水平,有目共睹,我看过不少的。

獻花 x0
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