grabbing .\/1.smd
grabbing .\/2.smd
grabbing .\/3.smd
grabbing .\/4.smd
grabbing .\/5.smd
grabbing .\/6.smd
grabbing .\/7.smd
grabbing .\/8.smd
grabbing .\/idle.smd
BMP grenade-launcher-diffuse.bmp [752 380] (100%) 286528 bytes
BMP mw2_acr.bmp [544 548] (100%) 298880 bytes
BMP mw2_usp_silencer.bmp [244 64] (100%) 16384 bytes
BMP mw2_acr_ironsights.bmp [496 252] (100%) 125760 bytes
illegal parent bone replacement in sequence "idle"
"Bip01 R Hand" has "Bip01 R Forearm", reference has "Bip01 R Arm2"
我去搜寻之后找到一篇回覆 可是我看不懂.... 悲剧..........
Chech both skeletons out.Open the reference and the animation smd.
Check if the bones have the same stucture and the same names.
This should do it.
To fix: Just copy the bones names part of the reference and paste it over the bones names part of the sequence. Seas to be the same renaming problem I have.
(Arm2 -> Forearm)