This is the 3X barlow Jupiter last night .
At the beginning , I tested to cmbine 2X and 3 X ( total 6X) , but the image is very bad .
So finally I choose the 3X , which is still ok . . . But seems already reach the limitation of the scope .
2ndly,this time I combine using IRIS and Registax for those 1387 flames .Because I can only stack 150 flames in Registax , cause the imageshifting is too big . As I check the shifting statistic in IRIS , over150 pixels shifting in average speaking among those 1300 flames . Those, Registax seems cannot handle this situation . Thus , I use IRIS to doaligment first , because IRIS can be controlled much more ( moreprimitive ) , such that ALL those flames can be alighted proerply evensuch a big drifting .
And then I combine ALL of them in Registax (by converting to FITS format from PIC format , which can be supportedby Registax ) and do some finaly adjustement in Registax .