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[繪圖相關][免費] Snagit Beta (英)
【軟體名稱】 Snagit for mac
【軟體版本】 Beta
【語言界面】 英文
【官方網站】 http://www.techsmith...gitmac/
【官方載點】 http://www.techsmith.com.../get-beta/
【個人評等】 ★★★★★

我之前用過他的 windows 版
覺得很好用,所以就上網找到他的 mac 版,真是太好了


Screen Capture

Creating an image of what you see on your computer monitor.

Snagit Screen Capture Software

Creating an image of all or part of what you see on your computer monitor PLUS:

Flexible options that let you capture only what you want.
Annotation varieties like arrows, speech bubbles, and more make it easy to customize your capture.
Versatility in what you do with your capture. Send it to your favorite app, share it online, or save it for later.

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:台灣新世紀資通 | Posted:2010-07-23 17:32 |

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