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[PPC][其他] 【遊戲】世界強大的PPC益智國際象棋軟體pocketgrandmaster V4.1
PocketGrandmaster is a fully featured and extremely strong chess playing program and FICS/ICC-client for Pocket PCs running Windows Mobile 6/Windows Mobile 5

PocketGrandmaster 4.1 released!
  • New dialog to display finger-notes of players.
  • Integrated timeseal on FICS.
  • More space in the Chat/console-window.
  • A notification is shown when a chat-message comes in.
  • New "Formula"-checkbox in the Seek-dialog.
  • Draw/resign must be confirmed before sending it to the server.
  • Bugfixes
    • Playing with black on FICS didn't work for some customers.
    • Starting games when one players Elo is below 1000 does work now.
    • The clock now works correctly when playing games with slow timecontrols (>1h).
    • Some minor bugfixes.
Other new features include:
  • The "Replay" mode can now be used to let the engine play/finish a game (autoplay).
  • The coach shows the thread-move when warning.
  • Highlight legal moves now shows unattacked squares.
  • The super-strong chessengine Naum for PocketGrandmaster is available from it's author.

[此文章售價 2 雅幣已有 16 人購買]

[ 此文章被binbin_lele在2010-03-02 08:54重新編輯 ]

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:香港網上行 | Posted:2009-12-20 11:40 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:台灣台灣寬頻 | Posted:2010-04-14 06:11 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [2 樓] From:台灣教育部 | Posted:2010-09-07 17:38 |

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