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让绝队无敌的传说 能永远不会被打破
必须要战斗 my way
if i'm ever gonna gat back gat back gat back

让绝队无敌的传说 能永远记住在心中
必须要战斗 my way
if i'm ever gonna gat back

yo picture this u got a kid in a room
his hands sweatin and shakin
while he's lacin his shoes
the excitement's buildin up for what's comin up soon
to get out there and do what he was born to do

他拥有篮球梦 他成为地狱修罗
虽感到一点疲倦 虽感到一些危险
但是在胜负分明之前 绝对不会退却

Cuz now he's out on the floor
and he's catchin the pass
slashin to the glass
movin so fast, right to the hole,
they dunno how to stop him
and he keeps on droppin
2's and 3's by the second and the crowd is rockin
so they knock him

躺在冰冷地上 只要一个深呼吸 就能再冲刺全场
慢动作的世界 欢呼声蜂拥如浪
就在一分钟 过后 强者加冕称王


imagine, 有个女孩出现
她总是在身边 不知心里想谁

but the truth
is that there's someone on the other team
someone that stole her heart, someone that holds her dreams,
they kidded for the first time just the other evening,
it's 12 and number 1 and she's getting caught up in between

战况激烈 好戏正要上演
眼神交会 局势瞬息万变

number 1 on the break,
12 quick on the chase,
boyfriend goes in the air
with lover up in his face
they come crashin to the dirt
she's about to burst
when the game is over who she honna run to first

但我还是为了我的 梦想而奋斗
nothin's gonna stop me

hey yo this game of life is one big struggle
we gotta hustle just to make in everyday
and to find ourselves a way
to fight the fears we facin
and grab those dreams we chasin
cuz there ain't no competition
when we rise to the occasion, c'mon

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾台北市 | Posted:2008-09-13 22:32 |

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