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美国科州签署法案 保护脑波隐私

美国科州签署法案 保护脑波隐私 Colorado Becomes First State to Pass Brainwave Privacy Law
Colorado Becomes First State to Pass Brainwave Privacy Law
#国外 #数位·科技·科学 #时事 #安全·医疗
10/9 解析英语
作者 Analytical Editors
阅读时间 8分钟
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美国科州签署法案 保护脑波隐私 Colorado Becomes First State to Pass Brainwave Privacy Law

目录 / More to Learn / 中文翻译(& 答案)
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  Colorado has taken a pioneering move towards protecting consumer privacy in the age of brain-computer interfaces. With the rise of neurotechnology, which involves technology that monitors and interacts with the brain, data privacy concerns are coming to a head. In response to the growing anxieties, Colorado has become the first state in the US to pass an amendment that safeguards the privacy of human brainwaves.

  On April 17, Colorado announced an update to its Privacy Act, which went into effect on August 6. The new Colorado Privacy Act classifies brainwaves as “sensitive personal information,” offering them the same protections that fingerprints and facial recognition data already receive. Colorado residents are now empowered to take control of their brainwave data, with the right to access, correct, and delete the information collected by companies. Additionally, companies are required to clearly outline their data handling practices.

  Neurotechnology used to be limited to scientific labs and hospital settings. However, many new devices that can record consumers’ brainwaves or analyze the brain in other ways have been launched in recent years. Often marketed outside the realm of medical equipment, these devices evade the existing safety and privacy standards for healthcare devices. Experts are raising concerns about this lack of oversight, fearing the potential for these tools to become mind-reading devices without users’ consent or knowledge. Other US states are considering similar regulations to protect their citizens in regard to neuro data gathered by technology companies. Colorado’s precedent has put the national conversation on neurotechnology into the spotlight, raising questions about the ethical implications of brain data collection.

1.   Which of the following best defines the phrase “coming to a head” in the first paragraph?

(A) Becoming neglected.

(B) Facing a rapid decline.

(C) Changing subtly.

(D) Reaching a critical point.

2.   What do we NOT learn about the new Colorado Privacy Act?

(A) It took effect in August.

(B) It allows people in Colorado to sell their brainwave data.

(C) It includes facial recognition and fingerprints in its security net.

(D) It grants Colorado citizens the right to erase their personal brain information.

3.   What is one problem related to the rise of neurotechnology?

(A) It is not clear whether these devices are effective.

(B) A few people have been injured while using these devices.

(C) Devices can read people’s thoughts without informing them.

(D) Some roles currently done by doctors might be taken over by scientists.

Words in Use

pioneering [paɪəˋnɪərɪŋ]

a. 开创性的,先驱的

monitor [ˋmɑnətɚ]

.vt. & vi. 监视
n. 监视器;萤幕

interact [͵ɪntəˋrækt]

vi. 互动

classify [ˋklæsə͵faɪ]

.vt. 分类;归类

resident [ˋrɛzədənt]

n. 居民;住院医生 & a. 居住的

access [ˋæksɛs]

n. (对人、地、物的)接近或使用的权利或门径(与介词 to 并用)
vt. 使用;(电脑)存取(资料)

analyze [ˋæn!͵aɪz]

vt. 分析,解析

realm [rɛlm]

n. 领土;(知识、兴趣的)范围

consent [kənˋsɛnt]

vi. & n. 同意(作名词时不可数)

precedent [ `prɛsədənt ]

n. . 先例,前例

ethical [ˋɛθɪk!]

a. 道德的

implication [͵ɪmplɪˋkeʃən]

n. 暗示

spotlight [ˋspɑt͵laɪt]

vt. .受到注目,使突出醒目
n. . 聚光灯
Extra Words

interface [ˋɪntɚ͵fes]
n. 介面

neurotechnology [ˌnjʊrəˈtɛknalədʒɪ]
n. 神经科技

safeguard [ˋsef͵gɑrd]

vt. & n. & vi. 保护,防卫(皆与介词 against 并用)

evade [ɪˋved]
vt. 躲避,回避,逃避

oversight [ˋovɚ͵saɪt]
n. 疏忽

neuro data 神经资料

come to a head 到了紧要关头
Practical Phrases

interact with 与……互动
Tom interacts well with other kids at school.

classify A as B 将 A 归类为 B
Some classify this music as jazz while others call it pop.

go into effect 开始实施∕生效

take control of... 取得对⋯⋯的控制
The terrorists took control of the whole city.

with / in regard to... 有关……
With regard to your request for a refund, we have referred the matter to our general manager.

put into the spotlight 使⋯⋯成为焦点
The scandal put the company’s questionable practices into the spotlight.

More to Learn

empower vt. 授权;使自主

•   This new initiative will empower employees to take more ownership of their work.


字首 em- 有「使(具)有」的意思,置于某些 b 或 p 开头的字词前,构成动词,以下介绍一些相关字:

a.   embellish vt. 装饰,美化

•   We plan to embellish our wedding venue with flowers.


b.   embody vt. 体现,使具体化

•   The man’s actions embody the spirit of generosity and kindness.


c.   embrace vt. 拥抱;欣然接受

•   Nina embraced her sister when she needed comfort.


•   I learned to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success.


d.   emphasize vt. 强调

•   The speaker began to emphasize the main points of his argument.


e.   employ   vt. 雇用;采用

•   The company will employ more workers to meet the increasing demand.


•   Cutting-edge technology will be employed for the project.


中文翻译(& 答案)




1.   下列哪一项最能准确定义第一段的片语 “coming to a head”?

(A) 正变得被忽视。 (B) 正面临骤降。

(C) 正在细微地转变。   (D) 正到达关键时刻。

2.   关于科州新隐私法案,哪一项是我们并未得知的?

(A) 其于八月实施。

(B) 其允许科州的人们出售自己的脑波资料。

(C) 其将脸部辨识和指纹纳入安全网。

(D) 其让科州公民有权删除个人的大脑资讯。

3.   与神经技术兴起相关的一个问题是什么?

(A) 尚不清楚这些装置是否有效。

(B) 有一些人在使用这些装置时受伤。

(C) 装置可能在不告知人们的情况下读取人们的想法。

(D) 目前由医生承担的某些角色可能会由科学家接替。

答案:   1.   D   2.   B   3.   C

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