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科技看见你的声音 Hear through Your Eyes: TranscribeGlass
Hear through Your Eyes: TranscribeGlass
#克漏字 #数位·科技·科学 #安全·医疗
10/1 解析英语
作者 Angus Bain
阅读时间 10分钟
听讲解 听朗读


科技看见你的声音 Hear through Your Eyes: TranscribeGlass

目录 / Tips & Analysis / More to Learn / 中文翻译(& 答案)
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  For people with hearing loss, clear communication can seem like a distant dream. However, advancements in technology are __1__ this barrier. TranscribeGlass, a wearable device, can translate spoken words into text displayed on a transparent screen directly in the user’s field of vision. This innovation enables people with hearing disabilities to fully engage in conversations.

  Assistive technology like captioning is an important means of communication for people with hearing loss. Captioning software on cellphones can be a helpful option, but it has limitations. Many users often find themselves __2__ to constantly glance down at the phone screen, which disrupts eye contact and the natural flow of interaction with the speaker. TranscribeGlass differs significantly from cellphone captioning software. An attachment for eyeglasses, this device is completely hands-free. It offers a __3__ experience because people no longer need to shift focus between the conversation and their phone. In doing so, TranscribeGlass allows for a deeper connection with the speaker.

  __4__ several devices offer real-time captions for the hearing impaired, TranscribeGlass distinguishes itself with its advanced functionality and user-friendliness. Traditional real-time captioning solutions can restrict both users and speakers by requiring speakers to stay close to a microphone. TranscribeGlass, on the other hand, can ensure clear communication even in challenging acoustic settings because it can __5__ audio from a distance, even from across a lecture hall. With TranscribeGlass, clear and effortless communication is finally within reach.

1.   (A) invading (B) sustaining   (C) eliminating   (D) triggering

2.   (A) need     (B) needing (C) to need (D) needed

3.   (A) memory-boosting     (B) pain-relieving     (C) cost-effective     (D) distraction-free

4.   (A) Since   (B) While   (C) Once     (D) Unless

5.   (A) pick up   (B) give out (C) tap into (D) set about

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  For people with hearing loss, clear communication can seem like a distant dream. However, advancements in technology are eliminating this barrier. TranscribeGlass, a wearable device, can translate spoken words into text displayed on a transparent screen directly in the user’s field of vision. This innovation enables people with hearing disabilities to fully engage in conversations.

  Assistive technology like captioning is an important means of communication for people with hearing loss. Captioning software on cellphones can be a helpful option, but it has limitations. Many users often find themselves needing to constantly glance down at the phone screen, which disrupts eye contact and the natural flow of interaction with the speaker. TranscribeGlass differs significantly from cellphone captioning software. An attachment for eyeglasses, this device is completely hands-free. It offers a distraction-free experience because people no longer need to shift focus between the conversation and their phone. In doing so, TranscribeGlass allows for a deeper connection with the speaker.

  While several devices offer real-time captions for the hearing impaired, TranscribeGlass distinguishes itself with its advanced functionality and user-friendliness. Traditional real-time captioning solutions can restrict both users and speakers by requiring speakers to stay close to a microphone. TranscribeGlass, on the other hand, can ensure clear communication even in challenging acoustic settings because it can pick up audio from a distance, even from across a lecture hall. With TranscribeGlass, clear and effortless communication is finally within reach.

Words in Use

barrier [ˋbærɪr]

n. 障碍(物)

transparent [trænsˋpɛrənt]

a. 透明的

innovation [͵ɪnəˋveʃən]

n. 创新(不可数)

disability [dɪsəˋbɪlətɪ]

n. . 障碍
n. 障碍,缺陷

limitation [͵lɪməˋteʃən]

n. 限制;缺点(可数)

disrupt [dɪsˋrʌpt]

vt. 中断,扰乱

attachment [əˋtætʃmənt]

n. 附属物,附加设备;爱慕

distinguish [dɪˋstɪŋgwɪʃ]

vt. 分辨,区别;使扬名

setting [ˋsɛtɪŋ]

n. 环境;背景

audio [ˋɔdɪ͵o]

a. 声音的

translate [trænsˋlet]

.vt. & vi. 翻译(尤指笔译)

glance [glæns]

vi. 匆匆瞥视(与介词 at 并用)

differ [ˋdɪfɚ]

vi. 变化,不同
Extra Words

wearable [ˋwɛrəb!]
a. 可穿戴的

assistive [əˈsɪstɪv]
a. 辅助的

caption [ˋkæpʃən]

n. (图片下的)文字说明

real-time [ˋriəl͵taɪm]
a. 即时的

impaired [ɪmˋpɛrd]
a. 受损的

functionality [͵fʌnkʃəˋnælɪtɪ]
n. 功能

acoustic [əˋkustɪk]
a. 声音的;(乐器)原声的

a field of vision 视野范围

hearing impaired 听力受损的(本文为 “the + 形 容词” 的用法,表「听障人士」,为集合名词,恒为复数)
Practical Phrases

translate A into B  将 A 转化/翻译成 B
I translated the sentence into English.

engage in + N/V-ing 从事某事
The two sides engaged in peace talks.

glance at... 匆匆一瞥
I glanced at the girl one more time before I left.

differ from 与……不同
People differ from one another in their hobbies.

allow for 使⋯⋯发生/成为可能
The design of the system allows for secure transactions.

be within reach 触手可及
The runner sped up as the finish line was within reach.

Tips & Analysis

1.However, advancements in technology are eliminating this barrier.


空格后提到 TranscribeGlass 这款装置使听障人士能够充分参与对话,可知科技的进步正在「消除」听障人士无法清楚沟通这一障碍,故 (C) 项应为正选。

2.Many users often find themselves needing to constantly glance down at the phone screen, which...


a.   本题测试 find 作不完全及物动词的用法:

    find + oneself + 现在分词  发现自己(不知不觉地)做……

    * 受词 oneself 后的现在分词作受词补语用。

•   I often find myself daydreaming about my next vacation during meetings.


b. 根据上述,(B) needing 应为正选。

3.It offers a distraction-free experience because people no longer need to shift focus between the conversation and their phone.


本句后半提到人们不再需要在对话和手机之间转移注意力,可知 TranscribeGlass 应是提供了一种「不受干扰的」体验,故 (D) 项应为正选。

4. While several devices offer real-time captions for the hearing impaired, TranscribeGlass distinguishes itself with its advanced functionality and user-friendliness.


本句旨在说明 TranscribeGlass 如何在有类似功能的设备中脱颖而出,可知应用有对比意味的连接词来对比 TranscribeGlass 和其他设备,选项中仅有表「虽然」的 (B) While 符合,故选之。

5. TranscribeGlass, on the other hand, can ensure clear communication even in challenging acoustic settings because it can pick up audio from a distance, even from across a lecture hall.


本句前半提及即使在具有挑战性的声音环境中,TranscribeGlass 也可以确保清晰的沟通,可推知会有清晰的沟通应该是因为 TranscribeGlass 能「接收到」远处的声音,故 (A) 项应为正选。

More to Learn

hands-free a. 免手持的;免手动操作的

•   The car’s hands-free system lets drivers control the music with voice commands.


形容词字尾 -free 表「无 ∕ 免 ∕ 不(含)……的」,以下介绍形容词字尾为 -free 的常见字词:

cost-free a. 免费的
cruelty-free a. 零残忍的
duty-free a. 免税的
fat-free a. 不含脂肪的,无脂肪的
pain-free a. 无痛的
smoke-free a. 无烟的,禁烟的
•   There is a cost-free trial of the software.


•   My mom only buys cruelty-free cosmetics that are not tested on animals.


•   Duty-free goods are available at the airport.


中文翻译(& 答案)

  对于听障人士来说,清楚的沟通似乎是个遥远的梦想。然而,科技的进步正在消除这一障碍。TranscribeGlass 是一款穿戴式装置,可将话语转成文字,直接呈现在使用者视野范围内的透明萤幕上。这项创新发明使听障人士能够充分参与对话。

  字幕等辅助技术是听障人士的重要沟通方式。手机的字幕软体可能是个有用的选择,但它有限制。许多使用者常发现自己需要不断低头看手机萤幕,这会干扰眼神交流以及与说话者自然互动的顺畅度。TranscribeGlass 与手机字幕软体大相迳庭。这项装置是眼镜的附件,完全免手持。TranscribeGlass 提供了一种不受干扰的体验,因为人们不再需要在对话和手机之间转移注意力。透过这样做,TranscribeGlass 可以与说话者建立更深入的连结。

  虽然有多款设备为听障人士提供即时字幕,但 TranscribeGlass 以其先进的功能和好用性脱颖而出。传统的即时字幕解决方案会需要说话者靠近麦克风,限制了使用者和说话者。相比之下,即使在具有挑战性的声音环境中,TranscribeGlass 也可以确保清晰的沟通,因为其可接收到远处的音讯,甚至可以从演讲厅的另一边接收到音讯。有了 TranscribeGlass,清晰且轻松的沟通终于触手可及。

答案:   1.   C   2.   B   3.   D   4.   B   5.   A

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