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[1.6] 哪個好心人 幫忙解決喪屍的問題
我開喪屍的時候 出現了...

Warning:  Unable to open sound/zombie_plague/dayend.mp3 for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/zombie_plague/flowerRemix.mp3 for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/zombie_plague/win_humans1.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/zombie_plague/win_humans2.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/ambience/3dmstart.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/scientist/c1a0_sci_catscream.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/scientist/scream01.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/nihilanth/nil_now_die.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/nihilanth/nil_slaves.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/nihilanth/nil_alone.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/nihilanth/nil_thelast.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/zombie_plague/first_zombie1.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/zombie_plague/first_zombie2.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/scientist/scream20.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/scientist/scream22.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/scientist/scream05.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/vox/one.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/vox/two.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/vox/three.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/vox/four.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/vox/five.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/vox/six.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/vox/seven.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/vox/eight.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/vox/nine.wav for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/vox/ten.wav for transfer
導致玩家進不來 這要怎樣解決?
開的了 只是別人進步來

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2010-02-17 19:23 |
ebolaman 手機 會員卡
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級別: 副版主 該用戶目前不上站
版區: 程式設計
推文 x38 鮮花 x458
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Warning:  Unable to open sound/zombie_plague/dayend.mp3 for transfer
Warning:  Unable to open sound/zombie_plague/flowerRemix.mp3 for transfer

↑ 這兩個我家找不到

其他的應該都有,只是 win_humans1.wav 與 win_humans2.wav 其實是一模一樣的

照理說有分 1, 2 的話就是說兩個聲音差不多但是語調不一樣,因為我也發生類似的問題寫說找不到啥音樂的






在此附上我家的 那些聲音,VOX 的是倒數用的,其實還有另外一種插件會用到 FVOX 資料夾

應該是最近新發的文章要用到的仿 CSO 倒數聲音


解壓縮後,請到  \cstrike 或  \cstrike_tchinese 資料夾內的 sound 進行複製貼上

zip sound.rar   (2022-06-09 14:14 / 1084 KB)   下載次數:34

My BOINC stats :

獻花 x2 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:台灣台灣寬頻 | Posted:2010-02-17 20:05 |

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