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(1)After so much KTV and restaurant fires, I think that it is safer to choose outdoor activities.
請問so much為何錯?

(2)Very few was known about human genes until just a few years ago.
請問Very few為何錯?

(3)Because of the poor lighting,she mistakenly took him to be I.
請問 I為何錯?

(4)After Yellowstone Nattional Park was set up in 1871 as the first Nattional Park , another national parks have been established thro ..

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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:歐洲 | Posted:2009-06-24 10:07 |
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級別: 小人物 該用戶目前不上站
推文 x25 鮮花 x76
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1.Fires 火災 可數複數明詞...要用many.
2.very few..few是形容詞 後面要接一個名詞
3.I 改成me
4. 這裡要用other
5.most of the+parents 慣用法
6.the other 限定用法因為人只有二隻腳
7.三個以上才用the best最高級
8.三個以上用the closest最高級
9.The worst 已是最高級...不可+most
10.D..than other women

財富:200 (by 大麗絲) | 理由: 謝謝解答!

獻花 x3 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:臺灣中華HiNet | Posted:2009-06-24 13:48 |

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