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[Nokia][軟體] NOKIA E系列提供免費升級到Quickoffice 6
新聞稿: 2009年6月15號

Quickoffice ®提供免費升級的選擇諾基亞® E系列終端

最新版本的Quickoffice ,辦公室查看和編輯軟件,現在可以下載通過對設備,電子商務門戶Quickmanager ™

達拉斯,得克薩斯州- 2009年6月15號 - Quickoffice公司,全球領先的移動辦公生產力軟件今天宣布,該公司將提供免費升級到最新版本的Quickoffice某些用戶的諾基亞E系列手機。目前,這一計劃包括諾基亞E51 , E52 , E55號, E63 , E66 , E71 (不包括AT & T公司E71x模型) , E72 , E75的和E90設備。

從今天開始,用戶在上述設備可以下載Quickoffice 6免費升級通過 Quickmanager ® , Quickoffice的安全的裝置,電子商務門戶網站。 Quickoffice 6包含更先進的文件查看和編輯功能,微軟Office 2007文件, ZIP文件的支持,密碼保護的文件處理, Excel 2007圖表顯示和多種可用性增強。隨後的軟件更新發布的Quickoffice對這些選擇的設備上也能獲得持續的基礎上,包括PowerPoint 2007中的格式支持 。 Quickoffice 6最初將只提供英文和 ..

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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣固網公司 | Posted:2009-06-18 17:21 |
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Press Release: June 15, 2009

Quickoffice® Offers Free Updates for Select Nokia® Eseries Devices

Latest version of Quickoffice, office viewing and editing software suite, now available for download via on-device, e-commerce portal Quickmanager™

Dallas, TX - June 15, 2009 - Quickoffice, Inc., the leading global provider of mobile office productivity software, today announced it will be offering free upgrades to the latest version of Quickoffice for users on certain Nokia Eseries phones. Currently this program includes the Nokia E51, E52, E55, E63, E66, E71 (excluding AT&T E71x model), E72, E75 and E90 devices.

Starting today, users of the above devices can download Quickoffice 6 as a free upgrade via Quickmanager®, Quickoffice’s secure on-device, e-commerce portal. Quickoffice 6 includes more advanced document viewing and editing functionality of Microsoft Office 2007 documents, ZIP file support, password-protected file handling, Excel 2007 chart viewing and multiple usability enhancements. Subsequent software updates released by Quickoffice for these select devices will also be available on a continual basis, including PowerPoint 2007 format support. Quickoffice 6 will initially only be available in English and a fully localized update will follow in the near future.

"Through our long-running partnership with Nokia, most S60 users have already benefited by receiving Quickoffice on their devices as part of their phone’s initial firmware, providing users with essential viewing and editing functionality of Office documents," Gregg Fiddes, VP of sales and strategic partnerships for Quickoffice. "Recently, we’ve been working with Nokia to provide these S60 users with an easy and reliable way to update their Quickoffice software. Now, through Quickmanager, they can easily access the latest version and begin utilizing these new enhancements and feature improvements we’ve developed."

To subscribe to an RSS feed of all Quickoffice’s news, please visit http://www.lewiswire.com/us/le...office/c/117 and click subscribe. To sign up for Webinars from Quickoffice to learn about the latest product updates, visit http://www.quickoffic...binars/.

About Quickoffice

Quickoffice is the world leader in providing mobile office productivity software and solutions for mobile devices. The company’s robust product suite includes its flagship smartphone office suite, Quickoffice® Premier, its Content Transformation Solution (CTS) infrastructure and the Bitflash® Rich Media Engine. Quickoffice Premier is an award-winning smartphone application that provides native viewing and editing of Microsoft® Office documents in over 47 languages. The software ships as an on-device solution on tens of millions of smartphone devices annually. The CTS client/server infrastructure offers network optimized, anytime, anywhere access to digital content and high-definition viewing of such content. The Bitflash Rich Media engine is the industry’s highest rated SVG-T engine providing rich user experiences on over 300M mobile devices worldwide. Platforms supported by Quickoffice include Symbian®, Palm ®, Blackberry®, iPhone® and Android. Privately held, Quickoffice Inc. is based in Dallas with offices in London, Ottawa, and St. Petersburg, Russia.

More information is available at quickoffice.com..., twitter.com/quickoffice, and on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages.../80930822730

Press Contact for Quickoffice:
Katie Eakins / Amy Robinson
LEWIS PR for Quickoffice

Quickoffice is a trademark of Quickoffice, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective holders.

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:臺灣固網公司 | Posted:2009-06-18 17:22 |

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