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[分享] W.C.G. 慕集大家的運算心情分享 參考囉
Dear XXX,

Thanks for being a part of World Community Grid. Your support means a lot.

We want to show more folks around the world why our existing members are "on the Grid", so we've started putting together a little video... check it out here.

It's not complete without you in it though (plus we could use a little creative help), so upload your contribution (in the form of a short video clip) at worldcommunitygrid.org/submit_your_dedication... by November 17th. Use a camcorder, webcam, phone camera... whatever works best.

Feel free to tell everyone you know and get them involved too.

Thanks in advance, and we're looking forward to seeing your video!

The World Community Grid Team

有興趣的可以上傳自己拍的檔案到 WCG囉

古詩:手把青秧插滿田 低頭便見水中天 心地清靜方為道 退步原來是向前
獻花 x1 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣 | Posted:2008-10-28 13:04 |

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