講題 :慶祝天文望遠鏡四百週年熱身活動 傾聽宇宙的聲音 主講人:陳明堂 地點:中研院人文館3樓國際會議廳 時間:2008年10月25日(星期六)11:00 ~ 12:00 適合的參觀對象:高中以上Subject: Pre-celebration of the 400th Anniversary of Astronomical Telescopes: Listen to the Whispers from the Universe Speaker: Ming-Tang Chen Venue: International Conference Hall, 3F, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, ACADEMIA SINICA Time: 11:00 ~ 12:00, Oct. 25th (Saturday) Target Audience: Senior High School and Above
講題:The Violent Universe(本演講以英語進行) 主講人:林仁良 地點:中研院人文館3樓國際會議廳 時間:10月25日(星期六)14:00~15:00 適合的參觀對象:高中以上Subject: The Violent Universe(In English) Speaker: Jeremy Lim Venue: International Conference Hall, 3F, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, ACADEMIA SINICA Time: 14:00 ~ 15:00, Oct. 25th (Saturday) Target Audience: Senior High School and Above