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文章表情 順勢藥品和傳統藥品之差別何在呢?
How does homeopathy differ from conventional medicine?

Homeopathy is based on the principle that ''like cure like''.That is, if a substance can cause

symptoms of disease in a healthy person,then it can cure a sick person suffering from similar

symptoms.Suppose a person has hay fever, with watery eyes and a burning nasal discharge.

Instead of giving an antihistamine to dry up the discharge,A homeopath might prescribe Allium

cepa a tiny dose of onion, specially prepared by a homeopathic pharmacy in accordance with FDA-

approved guidelines-because onion is known to cause watery eyes and a burning nasal discharge.

Homeopathy regards symptoms as the body's healthy attempt to restore itself to balance.A

homeopathy will choose a remedy thay supports the symptoms-rather than opposing them or

suppressing them as in conventional medicine.

Homeopathy recognizes thay each person manifests illness in a unique and slightly different way.

Thay is why two people with the same illness will not necessarily receive the same homeopathic

remedy. A cold sufferer with a stopped-up nose and dry eyes would receive a different remedy

than a cold sufferer with a runny nose and watering eyes.Unlike the "one size fits all"approach

often used in conventional medicine, a homeopath chooses a remedy that matches a persons's

unique symptom profile including physical,mental,and emotional symptoms.




健法將不會給抗組織胺來讓這一癥狀停止,而會給Allium cepa(洋蔥)-極小量的洋蔥,這是按照FDA所核








資料來源Homeopathy today Nov/Dec 2004 Vol.24

[ 此文章被亞倫99在2005-06-15 22:50重新編輯 ]

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2005-06-10 21:49 |

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