
[景点][桃竹苗] 中央饭店开启你的机捷之旅
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 活动: 现在透过官网,或是粉丝团订房,订购经典双人房(非假日)来电房完成并入住,当日在饭店中现场打卡,再优惠5%,这样好康哪里找啊,快拨订房专线吧! TEL:0966555505 WEB:http://www.chot...m.tw/ ADD:桃园市中坜区中平路55号 FB:https://www.facebook.com...l.com.tw/ 订房网址:https://wrs.ec-hotel.net/wep4webhotel/webhote...ductRoomList.action
Promotion, You can make a reservation by web or Facebook! If you make the reservation for a classic room on a normal day(not a holiday) and “check in” on Facebook at site, you can get 5% discount more. Now, pick up your phone and make a reservation~ TEL:0966555505 WEB:http://www.chot...m.tw/ ADD:No.55, Zhongping Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 32041, Taiwan (R.O.C.) FB:https://www.facebook.com...l.com.tw/ RESERVATION:https://wrs.ec-hotel.net/wep4webhotel/webhote...ductRoomList.action 推荐机场捷运附近景点Hot spots: 1. 坑口彩绘村Painted Hang Hau village 隐藏在桃园这个大城市中,充满台湾农村风味的一个地方,在这里可以感受到这里想传达给我们的讯息,也让我们了解到早期台湾农村风景和农人的辛苦。 Painted Hang Hau village hides in the big city- Taoyuan. It’s very lucky to find such painted village here. You can get more information about the life in the countryside of Taiwan before. 2. 德馨堂Dexin Church 建造于清朝年间,是桃园少数保存完整的闽式三合院,目前被桃园市列定为古迹,燕尾的特殊屋脊,且完整保留了前人的生活空间,如果您是古迹迷,一定要前来拜访。 Century-old Chen Jiade Hope Church was built in the Qing Dynasty, and it was well-preserved. As an ancient monument fan, you should visit this Arundo donax Minnan-style traditional house. [color=YellowGreen]3. 竹峰茗茶Zhu Feng Tea 于桃园芦竹乡一带颇有名气的休闲景观茶园,已有百年的种茶历史,如需在此用餐,请于三天前预约才能享受到这边的料理喔!! It’s a well-known shop in Luzhu Township. It has been hundreds of years for the growing of the tea, and now it’s a tea garden at the same time. If you want to have a meal here, you need to make a reservation first. 4. 大夫第Modern DaFuDi 这里被评为最漂亮的中国传统式建筑之一,且建筑物内细致的雕刻装潢是众所皆知的。 The building is considered as one of the most beautifully-embellished traditional Chinese buildings and is renowned for its fine architectural decorations. 若您的暑假没尚未规划,不妨来趟机场捷运之旅吧! If you are considering where to go on your summer vacation, traveling along Taoyuan International Airport MRT would be a great choice for you! 桃园饭店、桃园住宿、中坜饭店、中坜住宿、桃园商务旅馆