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< 测试播放背景音乐 >
陈慧娴 : 傻女


http://www.4shared.com/audio/x...ne.html" target=_blank>傻女.wma

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [30 樓] From:香港網上行 | Posted:2011-06-16 19:47 |
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" 那棚架有轮子,可以很顺滑地转动竿,把帆布拉开和收起。

玩天文,让我发挥了不少的创造能力,好像DIY有个瘾那样,一年一个工程项目,09年搞天文台,10年搞活动棚架和白房(白房就不算我搞 ,只是买),然后今年11年就搞了花槽。明年到时可能没啥东西搞就真的会去搞大牛反。目前4大工程,总的来说,我觉得为何要DIY呢,就是要自己怎么想,就怎么去做,要实现心里所想的,然后要省钱,就是那样。

花槽长4米半和3米半倆段成L型铺于天台俩边,高42公分(厘米),阔40公分,决定自己动手做前找过几家装修公司了解情况,像这样尺寸的花槽价钱要1万 2左右,外层磁砖要是他们规定的那种一般国内磁砖,如果要好的磁砖就还得另外加钱。我自己在香港买日本进口的才1200港币,一共130多条倆种磁砖,加上内层红砖180多块,15包沙,2包英泥,,1瓶英泥宝加强密度和防水功效,还有4包石仔,一共1000左右,连磁砖总材料包运费在2300港币,就那么多了。 另外树木方面,装修公司以面积每平方尺计算,一平方400港币,包泥土,肥料和植物,植物也是他们规定好,也不怎么样那种,也可以补钱买好的。那按那样算我面积有(长:8米x3.3=26.4尺,阔:40厘米/33=1.2尺),那就31.6平方尺,即1万3千港币,而且还都是一些很小颗的植物。那如果找装修公司总价要2万5港币。
那些树木我便决定在深圳花草批发市场买,品种又多又平宜,我买了8棵罗汉松,每棵才120人民币,像那么高大的罗汉松每棵在香港要7,8百。8棵就 6000了。还有2棵紫微树,一棵芒果树(有长5个芒果),竹子18支,6盘抹梨花,还有藤类花几盘,其它的小花小草,一共就1800人民币。

另泥土最花钱,你看不出来要下那么多土的,我是问深圳买花那里才知道要下多少土的,1个立方米花槽就得1300公斤(KG)的土,即1.3吨土,我那里是 1.4立方米,就得买1800公斤左右的土,我买了1700公斤,90包总共。在香港同样的一包土要35块一包(20多公斤),那按正常光泥土都要 3100港币了,肥料3包每包80,240了。我在深圳买80包才500人民币,3包肥料150。加上运费1900人民币,运费指的是全部东西,树木连泥土一车过运来香港,送到家门口,一共是1900人民币。那么等于是我买花和土花了(1800+500+150+1900=4350)人民币,即5200港币花了。

对比一下真有意思,如果是正常在香港买花和土,就只说那8棵罗汉松和土吧,其它的植物都不计算,得要6000+3100+240=9340港币,我现在才 5200港币,还多了10几盘植物出来。花槽我那里本来要1万三也只要2300,那整个花槽连花,本来总价一共是13000+9340=22340(只得 8颗罗汉松),我现在只要5200+2300=7800(包所有的树和花), 我想其它的树和花那里在香港买起码也得要个3000的。那么,总造价2万6是跑不掉的,我现在只要7800,即8000总造价可以了,省了3份2成本,省了18000接近倆万港币。


獻花 x0 回到頂端 [31 樓] From:新加坡 | Posted:2011-07-15 10:46 |
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The Observatory is located on the platform . It's necessary to make the platform looks better . I had designed the whole platform indeed , since the day I built this Observatory 2 years ago . At that time I thought it should be looks like a garden , with a house . Last year the house is built , and I had made one sheld as well . The cover on the shelter can be opened and closed by rolling . The house is bought and not made by me . But the rolling shelter is made by me one person . This year , I decide to settle all the plants and build up an observatory garden . Those trees can sheld lots of light that come from western side of the platform . Height of the trees and house was designed not higher than 20 degree elevation when looking from the the observatory .

Samely , everything needed DIY , to save money . And turns impossible to possible .
I DIY a concret container for plants , total cost including all the palnts and soil is around 8000 HKD , saving at least 20 thousand HK dollars if I ask the shop to build one for me . I spent nearly 1 and half month to complete this build . Most of the time I make it at night time after daily work . It was nearly completed last sunday . Very tired indeed recently . but very happy .

Astronomy remind me one thing , Keep on doing things by own ,step by steply .


獻花 x0 回到頂端 [32 樓] From:新加坡 | Posted:2011-07-15 12:33 |
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MANDII : 07/15/11 04:45 AM
Yes Mike , quite lots of work indeed , but fortunately I just spent the time longer . bit by bit can finish tough works . You know the time is always the best helper .

I had to bring nearly 90 packages of soil , each package around 20 KG upstair 3 floors . You don't heard about that 1 cubic meter volunm of container needed to be filled nearly 1300KG of soil . I aslo do not know it before . And my container is about 1.3 cubic meter ( 8M * 0.42M* 0.4M=1.3 ) in volunm , so need totally 1700KG of soil .

I had calling local people to pick these bags actually , but they charged me too much . very expensive that they counted me in each KG and needed over 1500 dollars . Well , I forgot how much the exactly charges now , but anyway very expensive that I could not accept it at that time . Finally ... I pick up bag by bag , in nearly 1 week of nights .

MANDII : 07/19/11 11:05 PM

Once again thank you Sir Herman . I see you also have a big telescope and probably an observatory in your icon picture .

Well , you let me thinking once again the whole story now .. .
Actually , most importantly and main purpose in setting up these trees , is to work as a SUN shelter . In local HK climate , there is two months you are feeling hot in a whole year , July and August . The temperature can always reach to over 30 degree celcious . The other 10 months are not hot . In down floor living room you don't need to turn on the internal air conditioner in these months , except the two hotest months in Summer time . According my observation experience in these years , the rooftop platform is getting hot starting from noon time , and reach the higest temperature at 4 o'clock afternoon , And then it starts to drops down . Thus , the amount of the sun moving shadow that it lays and moves on the rooftop , that was shelted by the rolling cover(cloths) and the trees , should be counted the area according to the sun moving time starting noon time to 4'clock , and in which specific direction and location as well . As of now , totally 8 meters long Tree container shelding the West and South West Sun heat ,and about 1.9M height of these trees ,can covers over 70% areas on the rooftop . I mean the total covering area that takes effect when the shadow moves at these afetrnoon time range . The rolling shelter cloths can be opened and closed by a steel wheel , in nightime and daytime respectively . Most of the other months in a year , I open the shelter such that I still can look at the night sky .

How many , how big and which location I should setup these trees and the shelter , is needed to be decided . And needed to be designed at the beginning time . At the very beginning indeed counting to the time when deciding to build this obesrvatory two years ago indeed ! The difficulty is also at the very beginning time when it's hard to decide these kind of things . But you are not able to change everthing anymore , after it was built . Old chinese word always tells me the truth . " Things started not easily at the beginning time , and getting easy as you go stepping forward one by one " .

Thank you Sir .

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [33 樓] From:新加坡 | Posted:2011-07-20 11:33 |
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The Hong Kong Observatory located at the highest mountain in Hong Kong , is very far away from my observatory and from my telescope . Should have more than 10 kilometers distance apart from here . But today I can peer it with my DSI ,through those leaves and trees nearby . I had recorded down it's visual coordinates as well .

ORION 6" Newtonian
DSI-I( 0.0005s X 38 )

Observe : 2011/07/31 afternoon

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [34 樓] From:香港網上行 | Posted:2011-07-31 16:39 |
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NO.54 )

刚刚在试牛反配web cam 拍鸟, 倆三秒的时间便能有40多张帖,再叠加十几张,效果明显比几个月之前用DSI只有一张帖好多。

ORION 6“ Newtonian
web cam ( 16 frames )

Observe : 2011/07/31


獻花 x0 回到頂端 [35 樓] From:香港網上行 | Posted:2011-07-31 18:14 |
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NO.55 )


ORION 6“ Newtonian
web cam ( 20 frames )

Observe : 2011/8/06  16:00

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [36 樓] From:香港網上行 | Posted:2011-08-06 17:49 |
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NO.56 )

这个可能是鸟巢。因为风比较大,树摇得很利害,便用web cam 好叠加一点。
This is the bird nest , since today is windy , the tree moves a lot , so I choose to use web cam for fast capture and more accurate stacking of images . I start to find it since noon time , outside temperature reach 32 degree celcious , but in the observatory it's quite cool when the dome and the door is opened .

( RA :18h35m  DEC:+2)

ORION 6“ Newtonian
web cam ( 10 frames )

Observe : 2011/8/07  13:30

[ 此文章被MANDII在2011-08-07 15:04重新編輯 ]

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [37 樓] From:香港網上行 | Posted:2011-08-07 14:45 |
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NO.57 )

Two birds this afternoon is shoot by 6" newtonian .

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [38 樓] From:香港網上行 | Posted:2011-08-21 16:58 |
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NO. 58')

Tonight one more leave , and it's music .

Background music : 千千阕歌( 陈慧娴)

何年何月, 才又可今宵一样
停留凝望里, 让眼睛讲彼此立场
当某天, 雨点轻敲你窗
当风声吹乱你构想 ...

( RA :18h45m DEC:+20)

ORION 6“ Newtonian
DSI-I( 1min X10 )

Observe : 2011/8/21 22:00

[ 此文章被MANDII在2011-08-21 23:15重新編輯 ]

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [39 樓] From:香港網上行 | Posted:2011-08-21 23:02 |

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