【插件資訊】 插件來源:部份修改
【插件介紹】 Surf XP Mod is designed for surf servers, espessially for servers using surf_ski_2 as their main map.
XP You earn XP by killing people
You can increase the ammount of xp you earn by getting killstreaks...maximum XP addition you get by killstreaks is 10. (If you die, killstreak will be nulled)
Also if you kill someone who is better than you, you'll get +1 xp, you'll get -1 xp if he's lower level than you.
LEVELS You earn levels by earning xp.
With levels you get:
-New weapon upgrades (Golden model & damage)
-Increased HP at spawn
-Increased AP at spawn
-Increased money at spawn
There are 200 levels, and weapons for only 25 levels...you get the idea why you shouldn't add it to your server.
Also max HP is 125, after that you'll get more AP when you spawn.
THE LOOK Every message in this mod is done by CSCZ styled TUTOR messages, they look very nice.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION Friend or well...someone i know started an surfing server, and asked me to develop an plugin for him in exchange of admin rights...i was in.
So i wanted to develop an xp mod which wont destroy the surfing expierence (surf with killing) but still would feel rewarding.
It was meant to be as private plugin but since The Someone I Know is total dick, and is bossing me around on what i should add and what not (destroying the idea of plugin doing that) i decided to come here for help.
I hope that you guys have ideas on what to add next to the plugin, and some advanced programmers could give me few tips on how i should program my plugins...(i hope).
TODO: -Add steamid support
-Add atleast 10 new golden weapons
-Add achievments
-Add world and player models (only view models right now)
-Create MOTD system for information
-Create TOP15
-Add sql support
-Develop clean and good looking website with register / login function, which can display players levels etc.
-Release new and improved plugin to the public
Add credits for some outside code snippet's i've used, and do all the spacing and tabbing that i left undone, i still can't decide which way i'm gonna do it...now i have both in my code COMMANDS /level - Shows your current level
/newlevel - Shows when you'll get new level
/xp - Shows your current xp
/info - Shows information about plugin
/weapons - Shows when you get new weapons
KNOWN ISSUES -Players f*ck up their XP by changing names
-Sometimes messages only show up for split-second
-If you have this plugin on 1.6 server (dont do it) and your players wont have TUTOR resources, then they must restart their CS to see the messages.
-Players dont have an idea about the XP mod unless you tell them the commands
-There is no particular reason why this should be surf xp mod instead of dust xp mod...this will change.
-Players get too addicted to this mod WHAT NOT TO DO? -Dont add this plugin to your server jet as it's just for testing right now
-If you can't provide sv_downloadurl, dont install this plugin
WHY? -It has no steamid support, and save by name is messy.
-It is badly coded and might conflict with other plugins
REMEMBER! If you dont have CSCZ server, dont ask for help...
or you could ask me to add CS 1.6 support to the plugin. I'm not going to add CSCZ resource filed as attached but if you really need them, then there is topic which offers them...you need them if you still want this plugin in 1.6 server, search for:
Advanced CZ Style Career Missions [For 1.6 & CZ]
SO WHAT NEXT? Does anyone have interest in this plugin? If so, tell me what to do next and i'll do it...if you dont plan to install this on your server, dont ask me to develop it any further

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