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ESET SysInspector divides various types of information into severalbasic sections called nodes. If available you may find additionaldetails by expanding each node into its subnodes. To open or collapsenode just double-click the name of the node or alternatively click ornext to the name of the node. As you browse through tree structure ofnodes and subnodes in Navigation Window you may find various detailsfor each node shown in Description Window. If you browse through itemsin Description Window additional details for each item may be displayedin Details Window.

Following are descriptions for main nodes in Navigation Window and related information in Description and Details Windows.

Running Processes
This node contains information about applications and processes runningat the time of generating the report. In Description Window you mayfind additional details for each process like dynamic libraries used bythe process and its location in the system, name of the vendor, risklevel of the file etc.

Detail Window contains additional information for item selected in Description Window like size of the file or its hash.

Network Connections
Description Window contains list of processes and applicationscommunicating over the network using protocol selected in Navigationwindow (TCP or UDP) along with remote address where the application isconnected to. You can check DNS assigning IP addresses.

Detail Window contains additional information for each process selected in Description Window like size of the file or its hash.

Important Registry Entries
Contains list of selected registry entries which are often related tovarious problems with your system like those specifying programsrunning after start of the computer or browser helper objects (BHO) etc.

In description window you may find which files are related to specificregistry entry. You may see further details for such file in DetailsWindow.

Description Window Contains list of files registered as WindowsServices. You may check the way the service is set to start along withspecific details for the file in Details Window.

List of drivers installed in the system.

Critical files
Description window displays content of critical files related to Microsoft Windows operating system.

System information
Contains detailed information about hardware and software along withinformation about set environmental variables and user rights.

File details
List of important system files and files in Program Files folder.Additional information specific for the file can be found inDescription and Details Windows.

Information about ESET SysInspector itself.

ESET SysInspector 將各式各樣的資訊部份分成數個基本的區塊作為結點。如果有資訊,你可以藉由展開每個節點成子結點找到額外詳細的資訊。打開或是關上節點只要雙擊節點的名稱。當你在視窗模式下瀏覽節點和子結點的樹枝圖你可以發現每個節點顯示的詳細資訊。


執行的程序(Running Processes)

網路連結狀態(Network Connections)
描述欄列出所有程序及程式的對外連線狀況。導引欄則包含遠端程式使用中的網路拓墣(TCP OR UDP)。你可以檢查 DNS指派的IP位置。

詳盡欄包含各個程序的資訊諸如 檔案大小。

重要的登錄檔(Important Registry Entries)



重要檔案(Critical files)
描述欄位顯示Microsoft Windows 作業系統的相關重要檔案。

系統資訊(System information)

檔案明細(File details)
列出各項重要的系統及應用程式檔案的目錄。 進一步的資訊可以參照描述欄即詳細欄位。

~Support Windows Vista/XP/2003/2000~

32-bit 官方下載:http://download1.eset.com/download/sys...SysInspector.exe
64-bit 官方下載:http://download1.eset.com/download/sys...SysInspector.exe

爸爸 你一路好走
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣和信超媒體寬帶網 | Posted:2007-12-02 00:56 |
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級別: 路人甲 該用戶目前不上站
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What's Running 免費的程序監控程式, 讓你知道誰在搞鬼, 程序追蹤無所遁形

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:未知地址 | Posted:2007-12-14 03:25 |

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