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冷水澡、熱水澡, 你選哪一個? The Hot and Cold Shower Battle

冷水澡、熱水澡, 你選哪一個? The Hot and Cold Shower Battle
The Hot and Cold Shower Battle
2/17 解析英語
作者 Duncan DeAeth
閱讀時間 6分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀


冷水澡、熱水澡, 你選哪一個? The Hot and Cold Shower Battle

目錄 / More to Learn / Grammar Tips / 中文翻譯(& 答案)

    Everyone can appreciate a nice shower. In the morning, it helps us get the day started; after a long day, it helps us relax. In addition, it is important for maintaining good hygiene . However, which is better for our health—a hot shower or a cold shower? Let’s consider the benefits of each.

    Hot showers are great for sore muscles and joints. The high temperature also helps clear nasal passages for easier breathing. Hot water causes the pores on our skin to open, which allows for a deeper clean. Furthermore, hot showers help people feel comfortable and relieve stress. However, hot showers may be harmful to people with sensitive skin. Taking hot showers makes the outer layer of skin dry out easily. This can cause itchiness and irritate sensitive skin.

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    As for cold showers, they may actually be better for physical health than hot showers. That’s because the cold water gives the body a slight shock, so the heart works harder to maintain body temperature. This encourages more oxygen intake and increases blood circulation. This extra activity can help lift one’s mood and help people feel positive about their day. Lastly, cold water helps the body retain moisture, which creates younger- looking skin and healthier hair. However, cold showers are not good for people who are sick since the cold temperatures might be too hard on the immune system.

    So which is better? For a daily routine to maintain physical fitness, cold showers seem to be the better choice. However, when you need a really deep clean, go for hot showers. To get the best benefits of both, try taking cold showers in the mornings, which will help keep the mind alert. Then in the evenings, enjoy a steamy hot shower. This will help you fall asleep feeling fresh and relaxed.

1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

(A) Shower temperatures play a role in our health.

(B) Low water temperature can increase blood circulation and oxygen intake.

(C) Hot showers have more positive effects on physical health than cold ones.

(D) Hot showers help open pores and make it easier for dirt to be cleaned out.

2. What can be inferred from the passage?

(A) Hot showers have a calming effect on skin conditions.

(B) Cold showers keep the mind sharp and lift the mood.

(C) Hot showers might be bad for people with low body temperatures.

(D) Cold showers make the hair glow but remove water from the skin.

3. Here are some aspects of John’s and Mary’s physical conditions. Which of the following should be recommended for them?



Feels upset from time to time

Has stiff joints

Has breathing problems

Has a hard time falling asleep

Has a slow blood flow

Has a weak immune system

(A) More hot showers for both of them.

(B) More cold showers for both of them.

(C) More hot showers for John; more cold showers for Mary.

(D) More cold showers for John; more hot showers for Mary.

4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

(A) Whether to take a hot or cold shower depends on which benefits you are seeking.

(B) It’s best to take hot showers in the mornings and cold showers in the evenings.

(C) We should switch between cold and hot water while taking a shower.

(D) People should stick to either cold showers or hot showers.

答案 :1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A

Words in Use

sensitive [ˋsɛnsətɪv]

adj. 敏感的,易被冒犯的

temperature [ˋtɛmp(ə)rətʃɚ]

n. 溫度;體溫

encourage [ɪnˋkɝɪdʒ]

vt. 鼓勵;助長,促進

physical [ˋfɪzɪk!]

a. 身體的,生理的;物理的
n. 健康檢查

appreciate [əˋpriʃɪ͵et]

vi. (貨幣)升值
vt. 感激;欣賞

layer [ˋleɚ]

n. 層
vt. 按層排列 / 擺放

retain [rɪˋten]

.vt. 保留,保有

alert [əˋlɝt]

n. 警戒
a. 警戒的
vt. 提醒

oxygen [ˋɑksədʒən]

n. 氧氣

circulation [͵sɝkjəˋleʃən]

n. 循環;流通;發行量

immune [ɪˋmjun]

a. 免疫的

benefit [ˋbɛnəfɪt]

n. 利益
vt. 有益於
vi. 獲益(與介詞 from 並用)

breathe [brið]

vt. & vi. 呼吸

intake [ˋɪn͵tek]

n. . 攝取量;吸氣

hygiene [ˋhaɪdʒin]

n. . 衛生(不可數)

irritate [ˋɪrə͵tet]

vt. . 使憤怒;使過敏

relax [rɪˋlæks]

vt. 使放鬆;使寬鬆
vi. 放鬆,休息

routine [ruˋtin]

a. 例行公事的
n. 慣例,例行公事

stiff [stɪf]

a. 硬的;激烈的

moisture [ˋmɔɪstʃɚ]

n. 溼氣,水分

fitness [ˋfɪtnɪs]
n. 健康

pore [por]
n. 毛孔

nasal [ˋnez!]
a. 鼻子的

itchiness [ˋɪtʃɪnɪs]
n. 發癢的感覺

steamy [ˋstimɪ]
a. 充滿蒸氣的,溼熱的
Practical Phrases

be hard on sb 對某人很兇

allow for 使⋯⋯發生/成為可能
The design of the system allows for secure transactions.

be harmful to 對⋯⋯有害
Staying up late can be harmful to your health.

dry out... / dry... out 使⋯⋯變乾燥
Belle dried out her wet clothes by the campfire.

nasal passages 鼻道
More to Learn

lift / lighten one’s mood 提振某人心情

mood [ mud ] n. 心情,情緒

• We took our son to the amusement park, trying to lift his mood.

以下介紹與 mood 相關的片語:

a. reflect / capture one’s mood 反映某人的心情

• The lyrics of the song reflect the newlyweds’ mood.


b. match / suit one’s mood 符合某人的心情

• The sunny day matches Anna’s mood; she feels excited about the outing today.

陽光普照的日子符合安娜的心情;她對今天的遠足 感到很興奮。

c. be in a good / bad mood 心情好/不好

• Danny is in a bad mood now because he failed his English test.  


d. be / feel in the mood (for sth / to V) 有心情(做某事)

• I’m just not in the mood for a party tonight.


e. be in no mood for... 沒心情做⋯⋯

• Stop! I’m in no mood for a joke.


Grammar Tips

This will help you fall asleep feeling fresh and relaxed.


※ 一句中有兩個動詞同時存在時,彼此之間一定要有連 接詞相連。

• Kelly usually reads novels or watches movies during weekends.


※ 若兩個動詞之間無連接詞相連時,就要注意下列的變 化原則:

a. 若兩個動詞所代表的動作同時發生時,第二個動詞 要變成現在分詞(如本文用法),若該動詞是 be 動 詞時,變成現在分詞 being 通常會省略。

• The cat sat in the corner looked / was looking out the window. (X)

→The cat sat in the corner looking out the window.


b. 若兩個動詞所代表的動作並非同時發生,而是有先 後次序時,第二個動詞就要變成不定詞片語(to + 原形動詞),以表示「目的」。

• Tammy signed up for a swimming class learned swimming. (X)

→Tammy signed up for a swimming class to learn swimming. (O)


※ 若兩個動詞有逗點相隔而無連接時,則不必考慮動詞所代表的動作先後發生的次序,第二個動詞一律變 成現在分詞,此時第二個動詞多是表「附帶/後續動 作」或「後果」。

• Glenn rushed all the way here, looking as if something bad had happened.



I set out early, _____ that Ken was waiting for me.

(A) know

(B) to know

(C) knew

(D) knowing


中文翻譯(& 答案)

每個人都喜歡好好洗個澡。早晨的淋浴幫我們為一天揭開序幕;經過漫長的一天之後,它有助我們放鬆。此外,洗澡對於保 持良好衛生是很重要的。然而,熱水澡或冷水澡 ── 哪一種方式更有益我們的健康呢?就讓我們來想想它們各自的好處吧。

熱水澡對痠痛的肌肉與關節非常好。高溫也幫助疏通鼻道,讓呼吸更順暢。熱水也能使我們皮膚上的毛孔張開,因而能達到 更深層的清潔。此外,熱水澡能讓人們感到舒適,也能紓壓。然而,熱水澡可能對有敏感性肌膚的人不利。洗熱水澡讓皮膚表層 容易變得乾燥。這可能會使皮膚發癢並刺激敏感的皮膚。

至於冷水澡,它們就生理健康而言其實比熱水澡更好。那是因為冷水給身體一陣輕微的刺激,因此心臟為了維持體溫會更 努力運作。這促進更高的氧氣攝取量並增進血液循環。這樣額外的生理活動有助於提振心情,幫助人們對他們的一天感到正面積 極。最後,冷水澡有助身體保溼,造就看起來更年輕的肌膚與更健康的髮質。然而,冷水澡對生病的人不好,因為 低溫可能會危害身體的免疫系統。

那麼,哪個比較好呢?就維持體能的日常作息而言,冷水澡似乎是比較好的選擇。然而,當你需要非常深 層的清潔時,選擇洗熱水澡。兩種好處都想要的話,試著在早上洗冷水澡,能讓頭腦保持清醒。接著在傍 晚,享受一場蒸氣瀰漫的熱水澡。這能讓你帶著煥然一新和放鬆的感受進入夢鄉。

1. 根據本文,下列何者是不正確的?

(A) 洗澡的溫度會對健康有所影響。

(B) 較低的水溫可以增進血液循環與氧氣攝取量。

(C) 熱水澡比冷水澡更能對生理健康帶來正面影響。

(D) 熱水澡幫助打開毛孔,讓汙垢更容易被洗掉。

2. 我們可以從本文推論出什麼?

(A) 熱水澡對於皮膚病有舒緩效果。

(B) 冷水澡使頭腦保持清醒並提振心情。

(C) 熱水澡對體溫較低的人可能有害。

(D) 冷水澡讓我們的頭髮閃閃動人,但使皮膚缺水。

3. 以下是約翰與瑪莉體能狀況的一部分。下列何者應該會是給他們的適當建議?

約 翰     瑪 莉


血液循環慢     免疫系統虛弱

(A) 兩人都該更常洗熱水澡。

(B) 兩人都該更常洗冷水澡。

(C) 約翰應更常洗熱水澡;瑪莉應更常洗冷水澡。

(D) 約翰應更常洗冷水澡;瑪莉應更常洗熱水澡。

4. 最後一段的大意為何?

(A) 要洗熱水澡或冷水澡取決於你尋求的益處為何。

(B) 最好是在早晨洗熱水澡,在傍晚洗冷水澡。

(C) 洗澡時,應該冷熱水輪流洗。

(D) 人們應該堅持洗冷水澡或熱水澡兩者之一。

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